Sunday, September 16, 2007


The music goes on for Dorcas and all
March L. Fianza

One day, I met a good man in a farmer in Vizcaya. Everytime we parted in the dark of night, I always asked if he had his flashlight with him. The farmer had to walk some three kilometers to reach his home and I was quite alarmed that bad guys who roamed the fields at night might do something wrong to him.

With the way he answered, I knew the farmer was lying when he said “yes, I have a flashlight.” The picture of him walking though the dark occupied my mind. Later, uncertainties as to why he does not use a flashlight were answered. I came to consider the fact that my farmer friend who is strong as a bull at the age of 75, has been walking that distance for almost 40 years – and nothing bad ever happened to him.

The last time we parted, I no longer asked about the flashlight. And for not asking he said, “When God gave us life, He already knew the time when that life would end. In short, the farmer was saying that each of us has been given by the Father a fixed life span. No matter how life may be in danger, it will not end if it is not the time for it to end. And no matter how healthy and excellent life is, it will end if it is the time.”

Last Wednesday morning, God snatched the life from one of His children. For a month and a half, Dorcas Tumpao Oakes, 20; has been painfully suffering from cancer. Doctors reported that Dorcas’ case was rare because she has been diagnosed earlier for melanoma in the skin that spread, further infecting her internal organs.

I believe in how the farmer looked at life. The Father was He who gave life to all and it is He who knows when this will end. And no earthly creature can question the ways of the Creator as it is only He who knows what is good for all. Hence, his decision on Dorcas’ life. I believe it is also His decision for the rest of us.

We commiserate with her father Dick, her mother Juliet, her sisters Pocahontas, Libnah, Lenny and daughter Korin; relatives, friends and love ones. With them, we must move on with life for it is not yet our time.

The mini concert dubbed “We Shall Overcome” by lawyer Jose Bubut Olarte on September 15 and 22 at Le Fondue will continue as scheduled. It was arranged, purposely for the benefit of Dorcas but it must not stop because it has more reasons to go on. Music, just like life, must go on.

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