Thursday, June 26, 2008

Laoag buildings to be torn down for large mall


LAOAG CITY — The city government will relocate the old Laoag Central Elementary School and three other government buildings to give way for the construction of a shopping mall here, city officials said. Laoag Mayor Michael V. Fariñas said he has been coordinating with the Diocese of Laoag headed by Bishop Sergio Utleg in the formulation of the terms and conditions of the proposed mall project.

Records show that the 1.3-hectare lot where the school building stands was donated to then municipality of Laoag many years ago by the Catholic Church primarily for educational purposes. The eastern portion of the lot is occupied by a building housing the city school division office of the departments of Education, Fire Protection, and Girl Scout headquarters.

Fariñas said all the buildings in the lot would be demolished and transferred somewhere else at the expense of the prospective mall owner. Under the memorandum of agreement being finalized by the city government and the Diocese, the investor, who would win in the public bidding for the mall project, is required to post a P50 million fund for the relocation and construction of a new modern school building, Fariñas said.

During the public hearing held last Tuesday, Mayor Fariñas and Bishop Utleg convinced the people to support the project, citing the many benefits for Laoageños. These include more job opportunities, increased revenues for the city’s coffers, and other business activities.

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