Sunday, June 8, 2008


Freedom and independence

LAOAG CITY -- Historian Arnold Toynbee has said the survival of civilization could be seen in the “cycle of challenge and response.” In 1957 the Russian launching of the Sputnik started the space race between the two superpowers and galvanized the American public into an examination of the existing educational system. This resulted in a flood of critics saying “el-hi” schools were not doing their jobs in keeping up with the “knowledge explosion” and exhorted educators to concentrate on the “training of the mind” and to cut all frills from the curricula. Changing the slogan “Johnny can’t read” to “Johnny can read” became a major concern, and science was introduced in schools. The schools’ task was to discover subjects of most value and design a curriculum that gave these subjects top priority. ***
Our country ranks as one of the most literate countries in Asia. In this sense, it is imperative that the government should put an extremely high premium on education. In today’s society, the teachers or educators should be models of integrity, honesty, humility and competence in keeping pace with our educational system despite interference of several factors. Professional jealousy and lack of respect and courtesy among fellow educators promote mental agitation and instability in the academe. Some teachers are not really there to educate but to “mis-educate” others. This is a reality and bad blood caused by envy.

Controversies between teachers and students, insubordination, absences without valid reason are all factors in the decline of the educational system. Poor management and administration of schools add fuel to the fire.

Good manners and proper diplomacy are needed in promoting harmony among stakeholders of schools. An autocratic or despotic leader of a school could be a monster who could erode needed confidence of his subordinates. But being a disciplinarian is a must to eliminate immaturity and ignorance of some teachers whose egocentricity is based on false pride and selfishness. In the development of education with idealism, it is paramount that the goal of an institution should be to realize its mission and let all teachers to be cognizant of the rules implemented in curricula.
Nowadays, with modern technology, the youth are the leading target of internet confusion through chatting and video games. Their minds are polluted by sex videos that create scandals not only inside campuses but within families. I have observed that some irresponsible attendants in computer shops or cafĂ© have been negligent in supervising the activity inside chatrooms and children have been hooked to surf even pornographic website without any guidance from internet attendants. Morality is threatened as a result. Parents should always supervise their children so they won’t be dragged to bad effects of the internet. ***
One of the highlights of President Diosdado Macapagal’s administration was the changing of the date of Philippine Independence from July 4 (when Philippine independence was recognized by the United States, pursuant to the Tydings-McDuffie Law) to June 12 when General Emilio Aguinaldo, as president of the first Philippine Republic, proclaimed Philippine independence in Kawit, Cavite in 1898. It was Aguinaldo upon the advice of the well-known lawyer, Ambrosio Rianzared Bautista, that a temporary dictatorial government must be organized followed by the proclamation of Philippine independence by Aguinaldo.

To make the occasion solemn, the Philippine Flag, which was made by the wives of the Filipino leaders in Hongkong led by Ms Marcela Agoncillo, was unfurled in public for the first time to the accompaniment of the new hymn. The flag was designed by Aguinaldo during his stay in Biaknabato. On June 23, 1898 after his return from Hongkong, Aguinaldo’s title was changed, upon Mabini’s advice, from Dictator to President of the Revolutionary government without change in powers.
Aguinaldo was blamed for the deaths of Andres Bonifacio and General Antonio Luna. In his book “La Revolucion Filipina,” Apolinario Mabini, the Sublime Paralytic, who was called the “Brains of the Revolution,” minced no words in criticizing Aguinaldo’s role in the elimination of the two patriots. He called Bonifacio’s execution “the first victory of personal ambition over true patriotism,” and Luna’s assassination the result of “treachery plotted by the very same soldier whom he (Luna) disarmed and court-martialed for abandonment of their post and disobedience to his orders” and “induced Aguinaldo to believe that Luna was plotting to wrest from him (Aguinaldo) the supreme authority.

“Elaborating further, Mabini added “to rid himself of Luna, Aguinaldo had recourse to the very soldiers whom Luna had punished for breaches of discipline. With the death of Luna, its most firm supporter, the Revolution fell and, the ignominy of that fall bearing wholly on Aguinaldo, brought out in turn his own moral death, a thousand times more bitter than physical death. During his retirement, Aguinaldo committed some political blunders.

First, he sided with Governor General Leonard Wood in the latter’s fight with Senate President Manuel L. Quezon in 1923 over the issue of Philippine autonomy. Second, he opposed Quezon again in the election of the first President of the Commonwealth in November 1935, as provided for in the 1934 Constitution. Third, during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines in 1942-45, Aguinaldo carried by unquestionable belief in Japan’s sincerity, cooperated wholeheartedly with the enemy.

Be that as it may, whatever mistakes Aguinaldo had committed during his lifetime could not dwarf the significance of his role in his country’s struggle for freedom, nor dim the luster of his name as revolutionary leader, much less deprive him of the secure place he now occupies in Philippine history. He was imbued with a keen sense of history, had the nerve to lead the Revolution against Spain and later against America, with the paramount purpose of achieving independence and freedom for his people.

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