Sunday, August 16, 2009

Filing of application for CSC exams on

BAGUO CITY -- The Civil Service Commission – Cordillera is now accepting applications for the Career Service Examinations-Paper and Pencil Test (PPT) for Professional (Second level) and Subprofessional (First Level) on Nov. 15.

Application forms are available at any CSC regional or field office. The same may be downloaded from the CSC website:

Application forms may be reproduced provided the same format is followed. Applicants may file their applications in any CSC office in the region.

Applicants must accomplish properly the prescribed examination application form (CS Form 100, Revised 2007); four latest and identical (1 1/2” x 2”) ID pictures with full name tag that includes surname, first name and middle initial taken within three months before date of filing of the application.

Pictures that are scanned, photocopied or computer-enhanced are not accepted. Name tag should not be computer-generated.

Applicants must present any valid ID such as driver’s license, SSS ID, current office ID, postal ID, BIR ID, or passport which contains the applicant’s picture, signature, birthdate, and the signature of the authorized head of the issuing agency.

Photocopy of the same should be attached to the approved application form to serve as reference for Room Examiners on the day of the examination and wxamination fee of P350.

Applicants must be at least 18 years of age, Filipino citizen, of good moral character, had not been convicted by final judgment of an offense or crime involving moral turpitude or of disgraceful or immoral conduct, dishonesty, examination irregularity, drunkenness or addiction to drugs and not been dishonorably discharged from military service or dismissed for cause from any civilian position in the government.

Applicants with pending administrative or criminal cases may take the examination and will be conferred the eligibility if they successfully pass the same.

However, this is without prejudice to the outcome of their pending cases and has not taken the same level of CS Examination in less than 3 months or has not failed the same examination four times beginning Oct.7, 2002.

Those who have already passed the same or a comparable level of examination like licensure examinations given by the Professional Regulation Commission and the Bar examination need not apply.

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