Sunday, September 27, 2009

9 Army soldiers fired over colleague’s death

BAYOMBONG, Nueva Vizcaya– Nine Army soldiers based in Cagayan have been dismissed from the service for their involvement in the recent death of a colleague.

The dismissed soldiers, all assigned to the Army’s 17th Infantry Battalion based in Alcala, Cagayan, were identified as Privates Felijohn Silvestre, Darryll Biscarra, Joeffrey Zalun, Arnold Agcaoili, Diosdado de la Cruz, Marly Burac, Sammy Aguinaldo, Charles Dimas, and Juan de la Peña.

The soldiers were held responsible for the death of Private Jenevil Laman during welcome rites for him at the 17th IB camp last month.

Reports said Laman succumbed to hard blows he reportedly got as part of a supposedly traditional welcome for newly assigned colleagues.

“The soldiers went beyond the limits in extending welcome rites (for Laman). Actually, physical contact during such rites or any events or affairs is banned in the Army,” said Maj. General Nestor Ochoa, chief of the Isabela-based Army’s 5th Infantry Division, whose jurisdiction includes Cagayan.

The soldiers’ immediate superior, 1Lt. Brenel Segovia, was given a reprimand for the incident and his case has been referred to the Army’s Efficiency and Separation Board.

“Our decision is already final and only needs formal approval by the higher authorities,” Ochoa said. -- CL

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