Monday, August 2, 2010

Traffic scheme for LT jeeps set

By Julie G. Fianza

BAGUIO CITY – A twenty-day experimental traffic scheme for La Trinidad public utility jeepneys (PUJs) using Buhagan road was implemented effective July 29 on authority of Resolution 149, approved by the city council and Administrative Order 106 issued by Mayor Mauricio Domogan Wednesday.

The city council resolution approved jeepney associations BTODA (Baguio-La Trinidad Operators and Drivers Association), CADODA (Camp Dangwa Operators and Drivers Association), LATJODA (La Trinidad Jeepneys), PPLMJODA (Pico-Puguis-Longlong-Motorpool), TGFI (Tomay Greenfields Inc.), BODA (Buyagan) and PPJODA (Pico-Puguis-Swamp) to traverse Buhagan road to and from Baguio with several conditions.

An odd-even scheme shall be observed for said trunklines; plate number endings 1,3,5,7 and 9 will operate on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, plate number endings 2, 4, 6, 8 and 0 will operate during Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. All vehicles are free to use Buhagan road during Sundays.

As there is no staging area, loading will be on a pick-and-go basis below the city hall park, opposite Rizal Park on a first-come, first served basis. Unloading shall be at Yandoc street alongside the concrete barriers near Justice Hall.

Blue stickers shall also be enforced for PUJs plying the Buhagan route, and those without said sticker should use Magsaysay avenue in coming to the city.

Domogan’s administrative order reiterated the same conditions, with observation that the prohibition of jeepneys to pass through Buhagan road, and allowing them use of Magsaysay avenue instead has caused more traffic problem to the said (Magsaysay) road.

The mayor also emphasized that all provisions of the council resolution and the AO should be strictly followed.

“The seven jeepney associations allowed to ply Buhagan road on an experimental basis shall police their own ranks and any violation committed by any of their members shall automatically cancel their right to ply the said Buhagan road,” he stated in the AO.

During the media forum last Wednesday, the mayor said a report from the Baguio City Police Office Traffic Division shall be awaited as to the use of the road by the PUJ lines. He also gave credit to the city council’s careful study for the permanent amendment of the ordinance for the use of Buhagan road.

Earlier, La Trinidad jeepneys were not allowed access of Buhagan road as to a city ordinance; thus having commuters use Magsaysay avenue only to arrive at the Central Business District.
Affected La Trinidad commuters, including those from the city limits earlier posted appeals for the return of the use of Buhagan road. Officials have also appealed for the same, in behalf of students and senior citizen commuters.

This was considered by the mayor who sympathized with students who, in addition to walking additional distances to and from school, would have to take two or three rides daily.

He however admitted that AO 106 would have to conform with a resolution or ordinance issued by the city council; for the said traffic situation.

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