Sunday, June 5, 2011

Kalinga peace practices documented in new book

TABUK CITY, Kalinga — A book to preserve mediation practices of the Kalingas is in the making, a project considered by Apostolic Vicariate of Tabuk Bishop Prudencio Andaya Jr. a culminating piece that puts into hard book the efforts of the Kalinga Peace Makers Movement (KPMM) in their long years of peace-building.

Bishop Andaya said research is ongoing by the staff of the St. Louis College of Bulanao-Cultural Heritage Research Center (SLCB-CHRC) and selected members of KPMM to put together peacekeeping practices of the Kalingas and document these which will be contained in the book that will be widely distributed for information and guidance of people who are not familiar with culture and traditions of the Kalingas.

Researchers are now gathering from reliable people the best mediation practices they have attended and participated in which led to the resolution of inter-sub-tribal conflicts the past decades for the benefit of educating the public and serve as an example for other tribes in the country to emulate.

Therese Grail Lawagan, SLCB-CHRC coordinator said they have tapped writers from their group to document procedures of bringing parties to the negotiating table and how cases are being resolved peacefully and amicably which had been instrumental in successfully settling individual and tribal disputes to prevent the cases from being elevated to the courts and contribute to the clogging of court dockets.

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