Monday, October 17, 2011

Repealing the Oil Deregulation Law

Alfred P. Dizon
(This is the last part of a series on provisions of the Oil Deregulation Law.)


Section 16.Phases of Deregulation. – In order to provide a smooth implementation of deregulation, the policy shift shall be done in two (2) phases: Phase I (Transition Phase) and Phase II (Full Deregulation Phase).

Section 17.Buffer Fund. – The President may, when the interest of the consumers so requires, taking into account the rise in the domestic prices of petroleum products, use the "Reserve Control Account" as a buffer fund in an amount not exceeding Two billion nine hundred million pesos (P 2,900,000,000.00) to cover increases in the prices of petroleum products, except premium gasoline, during the Transition Phase over the prices prevailing as of the date of the effectivity of this Act. The "Reserve Control Account" refers to a lump sum collation of reserve impositions deducted from the appropriations approved by Congress for the operation of the government and the implementation of projects and programs.

Section 18.Automatic Oil Pricing Mechanism. – To enable the domestic price of petroleum products to approximate and promptly reflect the prices of oil in the international market, an automatic pricing mechanism shall be established. To this end, the following laws are hereby amended:
(a) Paragraph (a), Section 8 of Republic Act No. 6173, as amended by Section 3 of Executive Order No. 172, to read as follows:

"SEC. 8.Powers of the Board Upon Notice and Hearing. – The Board shall have the power:
"(a) To set the wholesale posted price of petroleum products during the Transition Phase.
"For this purpose and for the protection of the public interest, the Board shall, after due notice and hearing, at which any consumer of petroleum products and other parties who may be affected may appear and be heard, and within one (1) month after the effectivity of this Act, approve a market-oriented formula to determine the WPP of petroleum products based solely on the changes of either the Singapore Posting of refined petroleum products, the SIP or the crude landed cost.
"Thereafter, the Board shall at the proper times automatically adjust the WPP of petroleum products based on the approved formula, through appropriate orders, without the need for notice and hearing.
"The Board shall, on the dates of effectivity of the automatic oil pricing formula, the initial WPP or the adjusted WPP, publish the same, together with the corresponding computation in two (2) national newspapers of general circulation."
(b) Paragraph 1 of Letter of Instruction No. 1441, to read as follows:
"1. To review and reset the prices of domestic petroleum products up or down as necessary on or before the third Monday of each month to reflect the new WPP of refined petroleum products based on the approved automatic pricing formula."
(c) Paragraph 2 of Letter of Instruction No. 1441 is hereby deleted. In lieu thereof a new paragraph is inserted to read as follows:
"2. The price adjustment shall be reflected automatically in the approved WPP of each petroleum product."
(d) The provisions of Section 3 (a) and (c) and Section 5 of Executive Order No. 172 to the contrary notwithstanding, the Board shall, during the Transition Phase, maintain the current margin of dealers and rates charged by water transport operators, haulers and pipeline concessionaires. Depending on the basis of the APM, the Board shall, within one (1) month after the effectivity of this Act and after proper notice and full public hearing, prescribe a formula which will automatically set the margins of marketers and dealers, and the rates charged by water transport operators, haulers and pipeline concessionaires: Provided, That such formula shall take effect simultaneously with the effectivity of the automatic oil pricing formula. Thereafter, the Board shall set the said margins and rates based on the approved formula without the necessity for public notice and hearing.
The Board shall, on the day of the effectivity of the aforesaid formula, publish in at least two (2) newspapers of general circulation the mechanics of the formula for the information of the public.


Section 19.Start of Full Deregulation. – Full deregulation of the Industry shall start five (5) months following the effectivity of this Act: Provided, however, That when the public interest so requires, the President may accelerate the start of full deregulation upon the recommendation of the DOE and the Department of Finance when the prices of crude oil and petroleum products in the world market are declining and the value of the peso in relation to the US dollar is stable, taking into account the relevant trends and prospects: Provided, further, That the foregoing provisions notwithstanding, the five (5)-month Transition Phase shall continue to apply to LPG, regular gasoline, and kerosene as socially-sensitive petroleum products and said petroleum products shall be covered by the automatic pricing mechanism during the said period.
Upon the implementation of full deregulation as provided herein, the Transition Phase is deemed terminated and the following laws are repealed:
(a) Republic Act No. 6173, as amended;
(b) Section 5 of Executive Order No. 172, as amended;
(c) Letter of Instruction No. 1431, dated October 15, 1984;
(d) Letter of Instruction No. 1441, dated November 15, 1984;
(e) Letter of Instruction No. 1460, dated May 9, 1985;
(f) Presidential Decree No. 1889; and
(g) Presidential Decree No. 1956, as amended by Executive Order No. 137:
Provided, however, That in case full deregulation is started by the President in exercise of the authority provided in this Section, the foregoing laws shall continue to be in force and effect with respect to LPG, regular gasoline and kerosene for the rest of the five (5)-month period.
Section 20.Jurisdiction on Pricing of Piped Gas. – Section 3 of Executive Order No. 172, is hereby amended to read as follows:
"SEC. 3.Jurisdiction, Powers and Functions of the Board. – The Board shall, upon proper notice and hearing, fix and regulate the rate of schedule or prices of piped gas to be charged by duly franchised gas companies which distribute gas by means of underground pipe system."


Section 21.OPSF Balance. – All outstanding claims against OPSF as of the effectivity of this Act, subject to the existing auditing rules and regulations of the Commission on Audit (COA), shall be considered as accounts payable of the National Government. For this purpose, and any law to the contrary notwithstanding, the reimbursement certificates issued by the DOE covering the said outstanding claims shall be honored and accepted by the Bureau of Customs and the Bureau of Internal Revenue as payment to the extent of ten percent (10%) per payment of the tariff duties and specific taxes from the creditor-claimants against the OPSF until such claims are settled in full: Provided, That the reimbursement certificates shall not be transferable.
Section 22.Initial Public Offering. – In compliance with the constitutional mandate to encourage private enterprises to broaden their base of ownership and in recognition of the vital role of oil in the national economy, any person or entity engaged in the oil refinery business shall make a public offering through the stock exchange of at least ten percent (10%) of its common stock within a period of three (3) years from the effectivity of this Act or the commencement of its refinery operations: Provided, That no single person or entity shall be allowed to own more than five percent (5%) of the stock offering: Provided, further, That any crude oil refining company and any stockholder thereof shall not acquire, directly or indirectly, any share of stock offered by any other crude oil refining company pursuant to his Section: Provided, finally, That any such company which made the requisite public offering before the effectivity of this Act shall be exempted from the requirement.
Section 23.Implementing Rules and Regulations. – The DOE, in coordination with the Board, the DENR, DFA, Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), Department of Health (DOH), DOF, DTI, National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) and TLRC, shall formulate and issue the necessary implementing rules and regulations within sixty (60) days after the effectivity of this Act.
Section 24.Penal Sanction. – Any person who violates any of the provisions of this Act shall suffer the penalty of three (3) months to one (1) year imprisonment and a fine ranging from Fifty thousand pesos (P 50,000.00) to Three hundred thousand pesos (P 300,000.00).
Section 25.Public Information Campaign. – The DOE, in coordination with the Board and the Philippine Information Agency (PIA), shall undertake an information campaign to educate the public on the deregulation program of the Industry.
Section 26.Budgetary Appropriations. – Such amount as may be necessary to effectively implement this Act shall be taken by the DOE form its annual appropriations, the DOE' Special Fund created under Section 8 of Presidential Decree No. 910, as amended, and such amount allocated under Section 10 of this Act.
Section 27.Separability Clause. – If, for any reason, any section or provision of this Act is declared unconstitutional or invalid, such parts not affected thereby shall remain in full force and effect.
Section 28.Repealing Clause.– All laws, Presidential decrees, executive orders, issuances, rules and regulations or parts thereof, which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed or immediately modified accordingly.
Section 29.Effectivity. – This Act shall take effect upon its complete publication in at least two (2) national newspapers of general circulation.
Approved:February 10, 1998

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