Sunday, July 1, 2012

Man charged for selling ‘ecstacy’ to PDEA agents

BAGUIO CITY -- A construction worker from Cavite was charged for illegal drugs before the city prosecutor’s office here last week in possession of mind-altering drugs which included “ecstacy” and propofol in a sting operation at the Cathedral Loop here afternoon of June 24.

Propofol is the drug which killed pop star Michael Jackson.

 Arrested by Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency- Cordillera agents was Alvin F. Salazar, 26 of Bacoor Cavite.

As the sale of the dangerous drugs was done within a hundred meters from three schools, Salazar, if found guilty, could be meted life imprisonment and fined P10 million as prescribed under Republic Act 9165.

 A PDEA report said Salazar sold to PDEA agents 20 ampules of fentanyl citrate, with brand name, “Sublimaze.” a vial of ketamine hydrochloride, with brand name, “Ketazol” and one ampule of propofol, of same brand name, all for PP20,000 to an undercover agent of PDEA.

 Fentanyl citrate and ketamine hydrochloride, both dangerous drugs, can only be prescribed or administered by a PDEA-licensed medical practitioner.

Similarly, such can only be handled, dispensed, sold or acquired by a PDEA-licensed pharmaceutical company, drugstore or hospital.

The PDEA report said Salazar did not have a license to sell the drugs.

Fentanyl citrate was reportedly classified as a dangerous drug through the 1961 United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs as Amended by the 1972 Protocol.

In the Philippines, it must be prescribed by a PDEA-licensed physician only through a Department of Health Official prescription form otherwise called “yellow prescription.”

Fentanyl is usually administered intravenously, and extensively used for anesthesia and analgesia, often in the management of cancer pain.

When abused, its biological effects are similar to those of heroin, and because its effects last for only a very short time, regular illicit users may become addicted very quickly.

 Fentanyl addiction has already caused many deaths worldwide, not to mention that the drug is even being manufactured in clandestine laboratories and first abused in the medical field.

Meanwhile, Ketamine Hydrochloride was regulated in the country by virtue of Dangerous Drugs Board Regulation No. 3, Series of 2005.

Use of ketamine as a general anesthetic for humans has been limited due to adverse effects like delirium and hallucinations.

Today, it is primarily used in veterinary medicine. 

The PDEA said  it is abused as a recreational drug in parties  and reportedly being sold as fakeecstasy.

Propofol is a short-acting, intravenously administered hypnotic agent used in the induction and maintenance of general anesthesia, sedation for mechanically ventilated adults, and procedural sedation.

It should be administered only by trained medical staff.

Short-term effects of propofol include mild euphoria, and hallucinations.

Long-term use has been reported to result to addiction.

At the international level, at least three deaths from self-administration have been recorded, the PDEA report said. 

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