Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dengue cases rise in Apayao, Benguet

BAGUIO CITY  – Government doctors reported last week an increase in the number of dengue cases in Apayao and Benguet provinces.

The Department of Health Regional Epidemiology Surveillance Unit said Apayao recorded 151 dengue cases from January to September this year or a 480-percent increase compared to only 26 cases recorded during the same period last year.

Benguet province posted an 82 percent increase in dengue cases at 626 compared to 344 cases reported last year. Majority of the patients were 11 to 20 years old.      

Eleven deaths were reported in the towns of Danglas, Tineg, Pidigan and Lagangilang in Abra; Tuba, Benguet; Lagawe and Alfonso Lista in Ifugao; and Paracelis and Sadanga in Mt. Province.

Dr. Amelita Pangilinan, DOH-Cordillera medical officer, said dengue cases in Abra, Baguio City, Ifugao, Kalinga and Mt. Province went down.   

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