Monday, April 7, 2014

DepEd-CAR forges ties with elders to strengthen IPED

By Emily M. Faustino

LA TRNIDAD, Benguet– The Department of Education-Cordillera Administrative Region and the newly-organized Executive Council of Elders sealed their partnership for the Indigenous Peoples Education (IPED) through an “Allasiw” or an exchange of symbolic tokens to signify partnership.

The exchange of symbolic tokens between DepED and the COE highlighted the activity in the just concluded seminar-workshop on the Development of Mechanisms, Agreements on Engagement and

Partnership for IPED in the Cordilleras held at DepEd-Regional NEAP in Wangal here March 31 to April 1.

Participants in the said activity were elder representatives from Abra, Apayao, Baguio City, Benguet, Ifugao, Kalinga, Mt. Province and DepEd personnel from the region and division field offices. 

The workshop focused on the formulation of statements of partnership and commitment between DepEd and the Indigenous Peoples’ Cultural Communities through the Council of Elders towards the implementation of IP education and the K to 12 program in the region.

In the statement of solidarity, the council of elders expressed their support and commitment to the vision, mission, goals, objectives and programs of DepEd-CAR  in pursuing an appropriate and meaningful IPED in the region, which is ancestral domain and culture-based.

Included in the activity was the organization of the Regional Executive Council of Elders.  Elected officers were the following:  Chairperson-Andres B. Ngao-i of Kalinga; Vice Chairperson- Agnes S. Kollin of Mt. Province; Secretary-Gerry Dona-al of Kalinga; Treasurer-Linda  Guevarra of Benguet; Auditor Fernando Bahatan of Ifugao; and Members- Nestor S. Tap-ayao and Amos S. Beta-a of Benguet, Vicky Macay and Beatrice T. Bitot of Baguio City, Lolita Racino, Serafin G. Pacio and Agra-am P. Du-ot of Apayao, Jaime Dugao of Mt. Province, Adoracion  T. Dalanao of Kalinga and Jose Namingit of Ifugao.

During the Regional Education Congress in January 2013, the regional implementation of DepEd Order 62, s. 2011 was launched. This order defines the Indigenous Peoples Education Policy Framework.   It was on this occasion that the IPED roadmap was unveiled and presented.  The roadmap defines the different activities being undertaken in the implementation of IPED in the Region.

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