Monday, April 7, 2014

DOST goal of scholar from every Cordillera LGU nears realization

By Carlito Dar

BAGUIO CITY -- The goal of the Department of Science and Technology –Cordillera to have a scholar in every community in  the region is now becoming a reality.

Only 16 out of the 75 municipalities and two cities in Cordillera have no representation in the 153 new scholars of the DOST for   academic year 2014 – 2015.

DOST-CAR regional director Julius Caesar Sicat, told a media forum last week there were153 students from Cordillera who passed scholarship qualifying exam wherein 16 municipalities in the region (14 in Abra, one in Apayao and one in Kalinga) were not represented.

Towards  the attainment of  its goal,  the DOST has signed a memorandum of  agreement with the Regional Development Council for conduct of review classes to applicants of DOST scholarship qualifying examination.

Sicat reported promotion of Science and Technology courses to the youth is gaining ground  in Cordillera as from the 95 qualifiers last year, the region achieved a 61 percent increase with the 153 new scholars for this coming academic year.

To expand  promotion of DOST scholarship programs down to the grassroots level, Sicat   bared in partnership with the  Cordillera RDC they are conducting review classes for those who opt to take the DOST scholarship qualifying exams.

For this year, 46 scholars of DOST will be graduating mostly in  engineering courses.

Others are  graduating from  the  Bachelor of Science in Physics, Mathematics, Information Technology and Biology.

In addition, Sicat also disclosed that DOST – CAR has 318 other  scholars enrolled in various S&T – related courses, majority  (187) of whom are enrolled in Saint Louis University    in Baguio City.    

Meantime, Sicat said embarking on Science and Technology – related subjects, aside from the high employability,  such courses can open the door for entrepreneurship.

“If the region is going into regional autonomy and development, having more S&T graduates is essential. Our youth just need to believe in science, it really works,” Sicat said.

In the said media forum, two former DOST scholarship grantees and two graduating scholars also shared their own stories and experiences being  S&T scholars.

Jasmine Lee Donaal, 1995 scholar  who took up Bachelor of Science in Chemistry in SLU and graduated as Cum Laude, is currently employed at DOST-CAR as a Science Research Specialist.

Mildred Bolinget (2009 grantee) who took up Secondary Education, Major in Mathematics at SLU and graduated Magna Cum Laude,  is now working as a Math Teacher at the University of Baguio High School Department. 

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