Monday, June 9, 2014

Kalinga tribes renounce revenge to obtain justice

By Peter Balocnit

TANUDAN, Kalinga -- The warring Mangali and Pinukpuk tribes committed to renounce revenge as a means to obtain justice during their recent “Podon” (peacepact) celebration held at Batranga Anggacan.

In their “Pagta” (covenant), the two tribes agreed to uphold the peace pact to remain as bridge in settling amicably tribal conflicts. However, aggrieved parties of their choice are not barred to seek redress of their grievances in court.

Peacepacts in the past were automatically severed in cases of murder and other heinous crimes leading to tribal wars.

The ‘eye-for-an-eye ‘practice allowed killing and the fault of one was the fault of all exposed innocent member-tribes as  targets of vengeance.

But the policy on non-aggression has long been adopted as a common “pagta” that resulted to positive working dynamics between the government and tribal communities.

Heinous cases are now solved between the affected tribes with neutral tribes helping in the mediation process.

The “podon” is now more effective in solving tribal conflicts complementing the peace efforts of government.

While both institutions work together to protect life, property, dignity and human rights, the “podon” employs reformative justice system where both parties amicably settle disputes and exact payment upon the culprit without imprisonment.

This is unlike courts wherein criminals are penalized and incarcerated for  crimes after spending and attending long years of litigation.

Podon practicing tribes amicably settle criminal cases and misunderstanding resulting to restoration of harmony and camaraderie.

Dr. SilverioTawatao, Division Supervisor of the Department of Education,  is the peacepact holder of Mangali and Agustin Cawilan, a farmer,  for Pinukpuk.

They are third generation heirs to this long time peacepact which was never severed, meaning the
two sub-tribes peacefully co-existed. 

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