Perry Diaz
Perry Diaz
the stroke of the presidential pen, U.S. President Barack Obama signed into law
the most important legislation of his presidency. Once again he
demonstrated his adroit political acumen in an arena full of traps where one
false move could dislodge the linchpin of the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Obama and the
supporters of TPP believe that it is the key to the success of the “Asian
Pivot,” which began as a plan to rebalance 60% of American air and naval forces
to the Asia-Pacific Region by 2020. Now, the scope of the Asian
Pivot is expanding to include a complex trade agreement among 12 Pacific Rim
nations, whose annual gross domestic product (GDP) of almost $28 trillion
represents 40% of global (GDP) and a third of world trade. The 12
partners are the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Japan, Vietnam, Brunei, Malaysia,
Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Peru, and Chile.
What he signed into
law is the “full authority” to negotiate the final version of the TPP, which
some people were saying is just a couple of weeks away. Once the TPP
is in final form, the 12 partner nations would then get their respective
parliaments or governing bodies to ratify TPP. In the case of the
U.S., the Congress will ratify TPP on an up-and-down vote, no debates or
amendments introduced. That’s possible only because of what Obama
had signed into law: the Trade Promotion Authority and the Trade Preferences
Extension Act, which includes Trade Adjustment Assistance.
Odd bedfellows
But what is really
strange about this legislative action that gave Obama the power to negotiate
trade deals that cannot be amended or filibustered by Congress, was that the
Republicans supported him. And for the first time in his presidency,
Democrats abandoned Obama and dealt him a political embarrassment that could
have defined his presidency as a “total failure.” Indeed, the
Republicans would have had voted with the Democrats just to get even with Obama
because of the Obamacare victory for Obama. That would have been the
political thing to do: that is, deal him the defeat that they have been trying
to do since he ascended to the presidency.
For the Republicans,
they wouldn’t kill TPP just so they can bury Obama
politically. TPP’s ideological value is so high among Republicans
that they would sleep with the enemy to keep it alive. To the
chagrin of Democrats -- who would rather deal Obama his political
death than give the Republicans an ideological victory -- Obama must be
brimming with joy.
“Dead on arrival”
Odd as it might
seem, had the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress, TPP would have been
considered “dead on arrival,” which makes one wonder: Why is TPP so
important to the Republicans that they had to embrace the liberal
In a recent report
in The New York Times, it says: “Opponents in the United States see
the pact as mostly a giveaway to business, encouraging further export of
manufacturing jobs to low-wage nations while limiting competition and
encouraging higher prices for pharmaceuticals and other high-value products by
spreading American standards for patent protections to other countries. A
provision allowing multinational corporations to challenge regulations and
court rulings before special tribunals is drawing intense opposition.”
But Sen. Mitch
McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, had nothing but praise for
TPP. “This is a very important day for our country,” he said.
“America is back in the trade business.”
But almost all the
Democrats, their allies in the labor unions, environmental groups, and liberal
activists who fought the bill (traditional allies of Obama), bitterly
Sen. Bernie Sanders,
the ultra-liberal independent from Vermont who is running for the Democratic
presidential nomination, said: “It is a great day for the big money interests,
not a great day for working families.”
And in a sarcastic
retort, Sen. John Conryn of Texas, the Senate’s No. 2 Republican, said:
“Occasionally, even the leader of the Democratic Party, the president of the
United States, gets things right.”
Obama got all what he
wanted and gave little to the Democrats. It was a lopsided
compromise. But political reality dictates that if you didn’t have
the vote, any concession is welcome. In the end, the opposition collapsed.
Let’s take a glimpse
at the rules Obama signed and how they will help ensure American workers can
benefit from the most progressive trade deal in history:
1. Lock
in the strongest labor protections in history that include: (a) A minimum wage;
(b) A ban on forced labor; and (c) Worker safety protection.
2. Lock in
the strongest environment protections in history that will: (a) Protect our
oceans; (b) Combat illegal wildlife trafficking; and (c) Combat illegal
3. Open
up the fastest-growing markets to Made-in-America goods and services.
4. Make
every word of the TPP deal publicly available to the American people for the
first time ever.
5. Provide
support and training help for U.S. workers adversely affected by globalization
and trade.
6. Extend
the African Growth and Opportunity Act for ten years to: (a) Expand private
sector investment in Africa; (b) Instill good governance and human rights
politics; (c) Provide economic benefits to Sub-Saharan Africa.
7. Help
U.S. manufacturers level the playing field by enforcing laws that ensure
countries like China to trade fairly.
“One Belt, One Road”
With TPP clearly on
the road to success, one wonders: Would China join TPP
later? Yes, many believe that China would
join TPP if it would benefit her. Is TPP all about
containing China? Not so, says the U.S. Although China
hasn’t been invited to join TPP, the U.S. said that she wouldn’t block China
from joining the trade pact.
But TPP is farthest
from China’s President Xi Jinping. High on his agenda is the “New
Silk Road Initiative,” also known as “One Belt, One Road”
(OBOR). OBOR has two main components, the land-based “Silk Road
Economic Belt” (SREB) and the oceangoing “Maritime Silk Road” (MSR). The
strategy underlines China's push to take a bigger role in global affairs, and
its need to export China's production capacity in areas of overproduction such
as steel manufacturing. It was unveiled by Xi in September and
October 2013 in announcements revealing the SREB and MSR, respectively. (Source:
When Obama and Xi meet
in Washington, DC in September during his first state visit to the U.S., the
TPP and OBOR would probably be on top of their agenda.
As the world’s top two
economic powers, a collaboration between the U.S. and China through the TPP
would create the biggest trade partnership in history, which begs the
question: Would such collaboration bring peace to the South China
At the end of the day,
Obama’s new trade route could be the new road to peaceful co-existence. (
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