Thursday, December 8, 2016

Man shot dead in Tabuk; slays up

TABUK CITY, Kalinga – Shootings have alarmingly risen in this city latest of whom was a man who was shot Nov. 30 around 10 p.m. here at Dagupan West.
Police identified the victim as Roberto Quejada Occidental, 49, resident of said place who was shot by unidentified suspect wearing black jacket and brown bonet.
Investigation disclosed that according to a neighbor of the victim, Occidental was their house answering a phone call when the suspect approached him and shot him twice but the victim managed to go inside the house.
The gunman followed and shot him several times. Victim was brought to St. Jude Clinic but was transferred to Kalinga Provincial Hospital by Disaster personnel where he was pronounced dead on arrival by the attending physician.
Cops found seven empty shells and one slug for Cal .45 in crime site.

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