Friday, December 2, 2016


110 new motorcycles given to Cordillera PNP
CAMP DANGWA, La Trinidad, Benguet – Some 110 brand new motorcycles from the Philippine National Police were distributed to provincial and Baguio police offices here Monday.
A total of 2,449 units of 135cc Kawasaki Rouser motorcycles were distributed to all PNP units nationwide of which 110 motorcycles were allotted to Cordillera.
 Provincial police directors received the keys from Chief Supt.  Elmo Francis, Cordillera police director.
Abra provincial police office got 29 units,  nine for Apayao, 13 for Baguio, 15 for Benguet; Ifugao, 13; Mountain Province, 12; Kalinga, 10 and nine for regional police headquarters.
“These motorcycles will be used in responding to incidents quicker because of their maneuverability on crowded streets, small alleys, and during traffic. It offers advantages not provided by four-wheel police patrol vehicles,” Sarona said.

Man shot dead by two motorcycle -riding men
TABUK CITY, Kalinga – A certain Bryan Directo Dela Cruz, 38, of Barangay Magsaysay here was shot to death by two unidentified riding-in-tandem men aboard a TMX motorcycle Wedbnesday around 11 a.m. at Purok 5, Barangay Bulanao. The victim who suffered multiple gunshot wounds on his body was rushed to Kalinga Provincial Hospital for medical attention but was declared dead on arrival by the attending physician. 

Man repairing vehicle dies as propeller pulls him   
KIBUNGAN, Benguet – A man died here while repairing his vehicle Nov. 20. A police report said around 7:28 p.m. that day, barangay chairman Homer Tiliaken of Barangay Madaymen,reported to cops that a body was seen under a vehicle later identified as that of Todis Bestre Toctocan, 54, of Dael, Madaymen.
Cops with Dr. Hydre Nga-ew, municipal health officer investigated the scene at about 2:48 a.m. Monday.
 Investigation disclosed the victim was repairing his vehicle’s under chassis when his shirt got caught and hooked on a turning propeller which pulled the victim. Nga-ew said the victim died eight to 12 hours past due to neurologic shock secondary to multiple skull fracture and cervical fracture.
 Body found with ‘Pati Pulpul’ tag in Tublay
TUBLAY, Benguet – The body of a man was found here Nov. 20 around 6:45 a.m.
along Acop-Kapangan-Kibungan road particularly in Sitio Kahadong, Caponga. Responding police found the body with with piece of cardboard tied on his left hand with markings “Pati Pulpul.” Case is still under investigation.

Boy drowned in Tinoc river
TINOC, Ifugao – An 11-year-old boy was drowned here Wednesday at a tiverside in the boundary of Poblacion and Ap-apid. The victim was identified as Joe Marie Atuyao Lablabeng, of Sitio Amgaday, Barangay Gumhang.
Investigation disclosed that the victim together with two other companions went swimming in a river but the victim went to a deep portion where he was drowned. A police report said the deep portion of the river was dug by a back hoe and used as washing place for sand and gravel  by  a certain Mark Alindayo “Lobo” Danao, contractor and a resident of Poblacion. The report said the area had no warning device and no permit to quarry.

3 ‘drug pushers’ nabbed in buy-bust operations
BAGUIO CITY – Cops arrested three drug pushers in a buy bust-operation at km 4 Asin Road, here early Tuesday morning.
Drug pusher identified as Daniel “Dondon” Malapit Villanueva, 33, mechanic, and   presently residing at Upper West, Camp 7, was nabbed after selling illegal drugs to the police who acted as buyer around 5:50 a.m. As a result, two plastic sachets containing suspected shabu were seized from his possession.
A few minutes later, same operatives also nabbed two drug dealers in their residences identified as Arturo “Jong” Apolinario Bullo Jr., 43, mechanic and his buddy Wenniefred Sinot Alindogan, 40, both residing along km 4, Asin Road, after dealing with police. Eight plastic sachets containing suspected shabu were seized from Bullo.
Villanueva was a drug surrenderee here while Bullo was surrendered in Rosario, La Union.
Cases for violation of RA 9165 known as the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 were filed against the arrested suspects in court.

Man wanted for frustrated murder nabbed after years
BANGUED, Abra – A certain James Belmonte Salazar, 52, jobless, was arrested here Monday at Barangay Linasin, Zone 1 for frustrated murder after doding the long arm of the law for many years since Judge Francisco Villarta Jr. issued his arrest warrant in Feb. 4, 1992.  Bail for his temporary liberty was set at P12,500.

Farmer shot
dead in Tabuk
TABUK CITY, Kalinga – Still unidentified men shot dead a farmer here Tuesday who was about to join a drinking session at the back of a store.  
A police report said Sulinto Tolny, chief tanod of Barangay Cabaruan, called SPO4 Richard Domallig informing that a shooting incident had just transpired in the barangay. Cops found the body of male person with blood oozing from his head identified as Sheaffer Babaran Sandoval, 29, resident of the area.
Witnesses narrated around 4:30 p.m. the victim on board his motorcycle dropped by at the store of Jade Songgadan located along Longdayan Road, Purok 1, Cabaruan, then proceeded to the back of store and joined group of male farmers who were drinking liquor.
One of the suspects who followed him armed with a short firearm suddenly shot him several times at close range that caused his instant death while the other suspect serving as backup aimed his short firearm at companions of the victim.
After the incident the suspects who were wearing masks and helmet boarded their XRM motorcycle and headed east of Longdayan road.
The victim had two gunshots wound in his body. Police are still investigating the incident.  

Bauko kagawad surrenders grenade 
BAUKO, Mountain Province – A barangay kagawad of Poblacion here identified as Crismar Aluyen surrendered Tuesday a hand grenade to police station. The grenade was earlier surrendered to barangay officials by a concerned citizen who requested anonymity. The grenade was brought to provincial headquarters in capital town of Bontoc.

Illegal logging lands man in jail 
LA TRINIDAD, Benguet – A man wanted for illegal  logging was arrested here Monday by Atok, Benguet police. Nabbed was Santiago Tiway Bullion, 37, farmer, of Sadsadan Proper, Bauko, Mt. Province. He was arrested here at the Bahingawan Building, km 5, Pico after  Judge Emmanuel Cacho Rasing, presiding judge of RTC Branch 10, La Trinidad issued his arrest warrant.

Farmer nabbed for attempted murder 
TABUK CITY, Kalinga – Cops arrested here Monday a certain Laurence Kissob “Allingwa” Malnawa, 40, farmer for attempted murder. This, after Judge Marcelino K. Wacas of RTC, 2nd Judicial Region, Branch 25, Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga issued his arrest warrant since Feb. 9, 2010. Bail was set at P120,000 for Malnawa’s temporary liberty.

‘Drug pusher’ nabbed in Baguio buy-bust
BAGUIO CITY – An allegd drug pusher was arrested here Tuesday along km 4, Asin Road in a buy-bust operation. Nabbed was Daniel Malapit Villanueva, 33, of  Camp 7, after he sold sachet of shabu to a cop who posed as buyer. Two other sachets of shabu were confiscated from him.

‘Member’ of Amistad swindling group nabbed  
BAGUIO CITY – A housewife was nabbed here Monday for estafa. The supect was named as Rea Asis Robles also known as Rea Robles Lucero, 44, of Purok 5 Hillside. Her arrest warrant was issued on Nov 16 by Cecilia
Corazon S. Archog – Dulay, presiding judge of RTC Branch 6, Baguio City who set bail of P 500,000 and another P300, 000 for two cases. The suspect, allegedly a member of Amistad swindling group is now detained at city hail.

UB basketball playercharged for physical injuries  
BAGUIO CITY – Charges for physical injuries were filed against a basketball player of University of Baguio for allegedly beating two players of opposing team and punching their coach of Baguio College of Techonology and making other UB players gang up on players of the latter including a BCT coach.  
A police report said the incident happened Monday around 7:30 p.m. inside UB gym. The report said George Cablarda Ong, 30, assistant voach of BCT and  resident of Balili, La Trinidad, Benguet was mauled by Samuel Ian-David Gabriel Ceña, 21,  3rd year HRM student of UB and  resident of Legarda Road.
Ong said the UB Cardinals and BCT Atoms had a game officiated by Baguio-Benguet Educational Athletic League (BBEAL) at UB gym.
On the later part of the game, suspect allegedly elbowed William Kram Domingo and beat Roy Pulac, both players of BCT. The other players of UB varsity team together with other males from the crowd attacked the bench of BCT players. Ong went to pacify but Ceña punched him in the head. The victim sustained injuries as shown by his medico-legal certificate issued by his attending physician at Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center.
The case was filed at the City Prosecutor’s Office.

Welder jailed for raping student textmate
BAGUIO CITY – A welder is now in jail after he lured a minor student, a text mate into his room and allegedly raped her. A police report said the incident happened around 4 p.m. on Oct 2 here at No. 36, Bengao, Bakakeng Central.
The victim filed the complaint against Albert Bautista Olarte, 30, resident of  No. 36 Bengao.
Investigation disclosed that victim and suspect were text mates since Sept. 16. The victim claimed that prior to the incident, the suspect texted her to pay a visit and have a conversation at the former’s residence to which the latter acceded. They had a brief conversation then suspect invited her to his bed room. Once inside the room, suspect convinced her to have sex but the latter refused. The victim tried to get out of the room and told the suspect that she wanted to go home but she was   pulled inside and raped by the suspect. 

Ice cream vendor stabbed
BAGUIO CITY – A stabbing incident transpired here Monday around 3 p.m. along the biking area, Lake Drive, Burnham Park, Baguio City wherein  Ristie Acosta Bulatao, 42, ice cream vendor was allegedly stabbed by Ricardo Pascua Martinez, 47,  resident of No. 335 Apugan Poliwes.
Investigation disclosed the victim and other vendors were happily conversing together when the suspect who was armed with an ice pick suddenly arrived and shouted to quote, “Tadtay kayo pay nga katawa nga katawa, ang yayabang nyo,” and then he stabbed the victim. The victim parried the attack but his right arm was hit and was injured. The victim was brought to BGH-MC.
Responding cops arrested the suspect and confiscated the ice pick from his possession.

Jobless man stabs construction worker
BAGUIO CITY – A construction worker was stabbed by a jobless man here Tuesday around 12:10 a.m. along Lower Pinget. A police report said Jonathan Mandante Gabion, 27, was stabbed on the right buttock by the arrested suspect identified as Rodrigo Jasmines Abelanes, 33, of Quezon Hill.
Investigation disclosed that prior to the incident the suspect and his live-in partner were inside the rented apartment of the victim and allegedly were fighting and noisy prompting the victim to evict them.
The victim followed them at the terminal of jeepney and while walking, the suspect suddenly met and embraced him and when they separated the victim felt numb in his buttocks and legs after which the live-in partner of the suspect embraced the victim because he cannot move. The victim was brought to Pines City Doctor’s Hospital for medical treatment. Victim suffered stab wound at right gluteal area. Police recovered a dining knife at the crime scene.
Brother hacks brother due to family feud
LICUAN, Baay, Abra – A hacking incident transpired here Nov. 19 in Sitio Dingay, Barangay Mogao wherein the victim was identified as Danilo Salingbay Batoon, 42, farmer while the suspect was his younger brother identified as Alonso Salingbay Batoon, 29, also a farmer.
Investigation conducted by police disclosed the suspect and his wife, identified as Michelle Tiggangay Batoon had a misunderstanding. After a while, the latter asked for assistance, prompting the victim to respond which resulted in a fistfight but was pacified by Albert Barnie, stepfather of the suspect.
The suspect went home but returned, armed with a bolo which is still unrecovered. The victim confronted the suspect but without uttering any words, the suspect hacked the victim twice. As a result, the victim sustained hack wounds on his arm and back and was rushed by his relatives to Seares Memorial Hospital, Bangued, Abra where he was confined.  The suspect fled to unknown direction after the incident.  

 Genesis bus burned on way to Baguio
TUBA, Benguet -- A Genesis bus with plate number TXU 331 owned by Genesis Transport Service Inc. was totally burned here Nov. 20 around 5:45 p.m. along Sitio Inunas, Taloy Sur.
A policed report said the bus was driven by Mr. Romeo Lopez Deleon, 58, resident of Zone 5, Mariveles, Bataan.
Investigation showed the bus loaded with 27 passengers was traversing towards Baguio City when the driver noticed on the side mirror a large amount of smoke billowing out of the back of his driven bus at the engine compartment prompting him to stop.
              When he checked and opened the engine compartment, he discovered a huge fire. He immediately advised his passengers to alight from the bus placed them at a safe place away from the bus.
             Tuba firemen declared the fire out at about 6:43 p.m. No person was injured during the incident. The cause of fire was short circuit of faulty electrical wiring. Estimated amount of damages is was P10 million pesos as pegged by FO3 Jose Dacwag of BFP Tuba.

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