Saturday, June 16, 2018

DOLE warns employers: Observe holiday pay rules

By Patrick Rillorta

BAGUIO CITY -- The Dept. of labor and Employment reminded employers to observe proper payment of wages of workers and employees who reported for work on June 12, Independence Day and Eid'l Fitr on June 15, both regular holidays.
DOLE-Cordillera OIC regional director Exequiel Ronie A. Guzman said this was  pursuant to Presidential Proclamation No. 269 and 514 issued by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte on July 17, 2017 and Labor Advisory No. 09, issued on June 6, by Acting Labor Secretary Ciriaco A. Lagunzad III which prescribes pay rules for the Independence Day and Eid’l Fitr holidays.
“Employers are bound by the following computation of wages. If the employee did not work, he or she shall be paid 100 percent of his or her salary for that day ([Daily Rate + COLA] x 100 percent); however, if the employee worked on the said holiday, he or she shall be paid 200 percent of his or her regular salary for that day for the first eight (8) hours ([Daily Rate + COLA] x 200 percent).” Guzman added.
He also said, if the employee worked in excess of 8 hours (overtime work), he or she shall be paid an additional 30 percent of his or her hourly rate on said day (hourly rate of the basic daily wage x 200 percent x 130 percent x number of hours worked).
In addition, If the employee worked during a regular holiday that also falls on his or her rest day, he or she shall be paid an additional 30 percent of his or her daily rate of 200 percent [(daily rate + COLA) x 200 percent] + [30 percent (daily rate x 200 percent)].
If  the employee worked in excess of eight hours (overtime work) during a regular holiday that also falls on his or her rest day, he or she shall be paid an additional 30 percent of his or her hourly rate on said day (hourly rate of the basic daily wage x 200 percent x 130 percent x 130 percent x number of hours worked).

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