Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Supreme Court suspends two Abra RTC judges

BANGUED, Abra -- The two regional trial courts (RTCs) in Abra are left with no judge to hear cases.
In separate orders, the Supreme Court (SC) ordered the preventive suspension of Judges Raphiel and Corpus, both surnamed Alzate, of Bangued RTC Branches 1 and 2, respectively.
It was learned that the two judges are distant relatives.
The suspension orders were promulgated last Feb. 12 and received by the judges last week.
The suspension orders followed Chief Justice Lucas Bersamin’s announcement that he would cleanse the judiciary of misfits starting with his home province.
Raphiel was ordered suspended for six months pending investigation of administrative complaints he is facing over nullity of marriage cases that he handled.
The high court extended the suspension of Corpus, who was suspended for six months in June last year also for administrative cases, for another six months.
The high tribunal denied Corpus’ motion to lift the suspension order for lack of merit.
The Office of the Court Administrator was tasked to tap temporary judges in the province, especially in view of the elections in May.

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