Monday, January 13, 2020

Baguio lists 3 firecracker injuries / Mayor revs up program momentum

Aileen P. Refuerzo

BAGUIO CITY – The city failed to duplicate its zero-firecracker-injury feat last year as it chalked up three casualties, two of whom “passive” meaning the injuries were not caused by the victims' direct handling of the pyrotechnic devices during the Christmas and New Year merrymaking.
City Health Officer Dr. Rowena Galpo said the blast injury victims were all male aged six, 23 and 61 years.
Two were resident of San Carlos Heights and Bakakeng Norte while the other was a visitor from Paranque who was staying at South Drive.
Two of the victims sustained injuries in the eyes and leg caused by kwitis while the six-year old boy sustained a burn in the face after playing with luces.
Only one victim was under the influence of liquor.
Two were treated at the Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center and one at the Notre Dame de Chartres Hospital.
The city maintained its long-running stand to discourage the sale and use of firecrackers and instead mounted community activities for the revelry.
Last year, this effort succeeded as the city achieved a zero casualty status for the first time after years of advocating for safe merrymaking.
The city has an existing ordinance which bans the sale and use of certain firecrackers but it has been the hope of health authorities and previous administrations that the measure can be upgraded to implement a total ban on these pyrotechnic devices.
Mayor Magalong vowed to sustain if not rev up the momentum gained in the implementation of the city’s strategic programs in the first six months of his administration.
In their first Management Committee meeting for the year conducted Jan. 7, the mayor urged the department heads to take stock of the programs and projects started in line with the city’s 15-point core agenda and find ways to sustain if not speed up their prosecution.
He said year 2020 is a pivotal year for the city as it is when they expect to implement major projects lined up based on the agenda and to continue mapping up programs for the general improvement of the city in the coming years.
“With competence, and strong leadership, we are now prepared to execute strategic solutions and programs to make things happen in 2020 and succeeding years,” the mayor said in his New Year message entitled “A Call to Arms, Clasped in Unity.”
“To make Baguio better, there will be no let-up in pushing for change in the way we do our assigned tasks,” he promised.
In the ManCom meeting, the mayor said that beginning this year, the departments will conduct evaluations every quarter of the year to keep track of the program implementation and identify and solve problems immediately.
He said the city will target the increase of revenues by P300 million this year to improve the city’s financial standing.
This will be done through the imposition of additional fees particularly the congestion and environmental fees to tourists fees, parking fees and intensification of the collection of existing charges.  
The city has an approved budget of P2.255 billion for this year and expects to implement P5 billion worth of programs, projects and activities under its Annual Investment Plan.
The projects include the rehabilitation of main sewerlines and sewerage system, parks development, sidewalk repair, upgrading of slaughterhouse corral, city market modernization, construction of youth convergence center, rainwater harvesting facilities and construction of command center.
The city’s 15 core agenda are Speeding Up Government Actions; Revitalizing the Environment; Innovating Peace and Order Condition; Aggressive Traffic Management; Responsive Education Programs; Empowering the Youth; Expanding Health and Social Services; Responsible Tourism; Enlivened Culture, Arts, Crafts, and Heritage; Market Modernization; Efficient Disaster Management; Empowered and Accountable Barangay Governance; Strengthened Livelihood and Entrepreneurial Services; Poverty Reduction; and Resolution of Indigenous People Land Issues.

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