Friday, January 24, 2020

Weight challenge changes Bontoc folks’ lives

By Alpine L. Killa 

BONTOC, Mountain Province – The “Chagsen (weight) Challenge”  Search for the Biggest Loser” of this capital town transformed not only participants’ bodies, but their lifestyle habits too.
After months of sweats, persistence and living a healthy lifestyle, Municipal Health Officer Dr. Diga Kay Gomez reported that 14 participants made it to the final weighing on Jan. 7 out of the 104 who registered since it started on August 2019.
The participants are 18 years old and above. 
 Mark Joey Kadchao emerged as the “overall biggest loser winner” after losing 15 kilos and now weighing 72 kilos from his initial weight of 87 kilograms. As the champion, he received a cash prize of P15, 000. 
                Elsie Sianen came as the next biggest loser and biggest loser winner from the Bontoc local government after she lost 11.3 kilograms.
From her initial weight of 73.3 kilograms, she now weighs 62 kilograms. Sianen received P5, 000 each from the categories she had won. 
                The other finishers who made it to the final weighing and have lost weights are Estelita Aquino, Mary Grace Nabayan, Clement Tudlong, Jo-Anne Faluyan, Jerome Tudlong, Jr., Jairus Abiasen, Estrella Wanawan, Arlene Eickmee Gasmena, Karen Claire Balong-angey, Remilyn Mangatam, Divina Pascua, and Julie Lafadchan. 
 Also, “best in attendance” during the weekly hataw/ zumba were Kate Yawan and Jo-Anne Falluyan.
They received a cash prize of P4, 500 each. Yawan received an additional P4, 500 as an honorarium for teaching the participants during the weekly Hataw/Zumba. 
                Kadchao and Sianen highlighted discipline in losing weight and attaining a healthy body.
These include being cautious in food intake, having regular exercise and living a healthy lifestyle. 
                During the awarding of winners on Jan. 13 at the Bontoc Municipal Capitol, Dr. Gomez thanked Mayor Franklin Odsey, Sangguniang Bayan members Jerome Tudlong, Jr. and Alsannyster Patingan who sponsored the cash prizes. 
             The “Chagsen Challenge” is a newly conceptualized lifestyle program of the Bontoc Municipal Government which aimed to promote health and wellness among the employees of the municipal government and the public.
Also, the program is for the public to lose unwanted and unnecessary weight through natural means of proper food intake and regular exercise. The activity was proposed by Sangguniang Bayan member Jerome Tudlong, Jr. who chairs the Committee on Health and Sanitation in collaboration with the Municipal Health Office (MHO).
 Meanwhile, the public is encouraged to get ready and wait for the announcement for the start of the Second Season of “Chagsen Challenge

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