Sunday, May 31, 2009


P100 M marijuana destroyed in Kalinga

TABUK CITY, Kalinga -- Anti-narcotics and police operatives destroyed marijuana plants and seedlings worth P100 million in a 10-hectare plantation in Kalinga in an operation last week.

Chief Supt. Orlando Pestano, Cordilera police director said the marijuana plants and seedlings were found by police and anti drug personnel here in Barangay Agbannawag.

The Cordillera regional mobile group headed by Chief Insp. Bobby Glenn Ganipac, elements of the regional Drug Enfrocement Agency and the Kalinga provincial police office took five hours to uproot the marijuana plants in the plantation which is reportedly within an abandoned water basin.

Marijuana cultivators escaped before the troops arrived in the area because of their vantage location.

Pestano said the campaign against illegal drugs is one of the thrusts of his administration, adding that the proliferation of illegal drugs such as marijuana and shabu is one of the causes of crimes committed in both rural and urban areas. – Dexter A. See

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