Sunday, October 12, 2014

Running priest hits P’sinan tree-cutting

URDANETA CITY – Running priest Robert Reyes is in Binalonan, Pangasinan to protest the cutting of trees along the Manila North Road (MNR).

Reyes launched his “Tungkod ni KIKO (Kalikasan Igalang Para sa Kinabukasan Ora Mismo)” campaign to stop the cutting of more than 700 trees along MNR.

Reyes, who is part of the Save the Trees Coalition, said the wooden canes he and his group carried during their walk represent a long and sustainable campaign to save the trees.

He said the word “Kiko” represents their preparations for the arrival of Pope Francis in January and the commemoration of the death of St. Francis of Assisi on Oct. 4.

“This tungkod is different because it has a statuette of St. Francis of Assisi,” he said.

He said if opportunity would permit, he would give the cane to the pope.

The canes of his fellow protesters, however, do not have the statuettes of St. Francis.

Reyes urged local and national leaders to open their eyes to the spiritual, mystical and moral values of environmentalism.

He said he was glad that the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and Department of Public Works and Highways are willing to talk to them about their campaign.

He said he would convince them to permanently ban the cutting of trees along the MNR.

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