Thursday, May 28, 2020

Baguio PUJ drivers warned: No double fares or no subsidy

Motorcycle backriding ban lifted 

BAGUIO CITY – The more of this tourism resort has threatened to stop giving subsidy to jeepney associations charging double fares.
Mayor Benjie Magalong said he received reports some associations  collect additional fares which are unauthorized despite being advised against it.
He said the purpose of the city government in giving subsidy is to give jeepney drivers a chance to recoup their losses brought about by the reduced number of their load capacity due to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) safety measures.
“But if you are already getting the subsidy but are continuing to collect fares beyond what is authorized, then you are already profiteering and violating the terms of the subsidy and are not deserving of the aid,” Magalong said.
“I will stop the grant of the subsidy unless the drivers and operators will get their acts together,” he warned.
This, as backriding on motorcycles is now allowed in Baguio but only for the immediate family members of the driver.
Magalong informed those who wish to avail of the privilege to get a certification from their barangay indicating the driver’s name, motorcycle plate number, names of passengers and relationship to the driver. 
Magalong said barangay officials should establish the kinship of the driver and the backrider.
The city council tackled the issue on Monday amid public clamor to exempt immediate family members from the ban on backriders issued by the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF).
Magalong, who attended the council meeting, said Interior Secretary Eduardo Año admitted there are instances when local government officials know what works in their localities.
Magalong told motorcycle drivers to follow laws and local policies related to motorcycle driving and general community quarantine protocols.
Under the public transport protocols issued by the Department of Transportation (DOTr) and IATF, motorcycle riders are prohibited from having backride passengers. 
The DOTr and Land Transportation Office said backriding on motorcycles in areas under general community quarantine is considered overloading.

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