Wednesday, April 1, 2015

PMA valedictorian proud of ethnic origin

BAGUIO CITY -- Arwi C. Martinez, the Philippine Military Academy’s top graduate this year who was conferred the rank of second lieutenant, is proud to be an Igorot.

Agkakdebdebkan kultura tan ugadin iIgorot angken tuway divan ko. Ipaulig ko son sikaran am-in jen Igorotak.” (I will not forget the culture and tradition of the Igorot anywhere I go. I will show them that I am truly an Igorot),  Martinez said in Ibaloi dialect.  

“Ituloy tayo adi ay ipaila nu sino tako, nu sino di Igorot ay kankanan da.” ( Let us continue to show who we are, who the real Igorots are), he  added in Kankanaey in his valedictory  address here at Fort Del Pilar during recent 110th PMA commencement rites at the Borromeo Field.

Martinez, of Barangay Loakan here,  whose  home is just a stone’s throw away from the premier military institution, is  a son of a Kankanaey father from Buguias, Benguet and an Ibaloi mother from Loakan.

Proud of and as a sign  of his love for his parents, Dancio, a forester and his mother Lolita,  Martinez  presented his medal to them at Fajardo Grandstand. He  graduated cum laude.

“The real Mc Coy is about to begin,”Martinez  said as  their batch embarked on their  journey  as new officers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. He is joining the Philippine Army.

“The challenge that we face right now will effectively put into reality the lessons that we have learned here in the academy to become good leaders espousing the values of courage, integrity and loyalty and   selfless service towards achieving a long lasting peace and prosperity for our country,” he said 

He  reminded his mistahs the idealism and promises they avowed in serving the nation with honesty, respect and care for others . “As  our class name Sinaglahi  (Sundalong Isinilang na may Angking Galing at Lakas Handang Ipaglaban ang Bayan) implies, let us commit ourselves to offer all our strength and wit to protect and uphold the sovereignty of our country”.

The newly commissioned officers will have a month vacation to spend with their families and friends before reporting to their respective branches of service.-- PIA 

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