Sunday, May 31, 2015

Mayor warns vendors: Follow rules or else

By Jho Arranz
BAGUIO CITY -- Mayor Mauricio Domogan warned ambulant vendors here to to vending in unauthorized areas or face penalties like being banned from selling.

“Despite rules, there were still a number of willful ambulant vendors violating guidelines,” he said.

The Baguio City Market Authority met with roving May 6 at city hall to iron out concerns of roving vendors and Public Order and Safety Division.

The city government allowed vendors to sell goods in the designated areas provided they secure special permits from the city government and comply with regulations.

Mayor Mauricio Domogan told vendors they must always wear identification cards, staying in one place selling so POSD personnel will not apprehend them.

It was then agreed upon during the said meeting that they will be given three chances if they violate rules.  First offense will mean confiscation of IDs for one week with P1,000 fine and they will be allowed to sell only for a week.

Second offense means confiscation of ID for two weeks with P1,000 fine and not allowed to sell for two weeks.

Third offense will mean permanent confiscation of IDs and they will no longer be allowed to vend.

There 180 registered ambulant vendors. However, only 117 processed the renewal of their respective special permits.  Four new applications were also processed.

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