Monday, June 7, 2021

Housing scheme offered to former NPA guerillas

By Leander Domingo

CAMP MELCHOR DELA CRUZ, Isabela -- After having endured beds made of woven leaves and other materials, former Communist Party of the Philippines-New People's Army (CPP-NPA) rebels can now own homes under the housing assistance packages for former rebels (HAPFR) program of the government. 
Maj. Gen. Laurence Mina, 5th Infantry Division (ID) commander, said the program is the first of its kind in Region 2 (Cagayan Valley) in partnership with the National Housing Authority (NHA).
    One of the first beneficiaries who was identified only as "Rico" for security reasons was present during the "signing agreement" on Monday in Barangay Bangag in Lal-lo town, Cagayan province.
"Within the movement, our bedrooms were of woven leaves in the wild. I have no regrets returning to the fold of the law because now I will have my own and comfortable home," Rico said.
According to Mina, the first HAPFR "signing of agreement" held in Lal-lo town was done between five former rebel beneficiaries and the NHA-Region 2 with the assistance of Army's 5thID through the 17th Infantry Battalion (IB) and 501st Infantry Brigade (501IB).
He said the agreement includes NHA's provision of a P450,000 housing grant for former rebels to be able to build homes with two bedrooms, living room, kitchen, dining table and toilet in six months' time.


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