People’s Power on ‘right to life’

>> Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hilarion “Abe” Pawid

(2nd of two parts)

Moslem countries in the Middle East are using “people’s power” to topple overstaying political leaders with hopes for change which may usher in desirable conditions. One country after another are experiencing what the Philippines undergone 25 years ago without an inkling on whether or not the outcome will lead to a better way of life. Figuratively, these exercises are risky that may place the citizenry in jeopardy should wrong choices are made at the height of emotions.

A people’s power in different plane is now undergoing in our country. It has something to do with the family. It starts with the Filipina and her role as a mother to have a healthy, happy, and contented family. This is the Reproductive Health Bill now pending at the lower House of Congress.

The government stand on the moral issue is to provide the facilities for better health services to Pilipino families.

The Roman Catholic Church which has influence over a high majority of the population is on the other side of the fence by raising objections to the government sponsored methods of family planning.

In sum the church thru the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines has formulated its stand against the RH bill. It is anchored on two fundamental points. Disseminated thru pastoral letters, they are:

“1) Human life is the most sacred physical gift with which God, the author of life, endows a human being. Placing artificial obstacles to prevent human life from being formed and being born most certainly contradicts this fundamental truth of human life.

“2) It is parents, cooperating with God, who bring children into the world. It is also they who have the primary inalienable right and responsibility to nurture them, care for them, and educate them that they might grow as mature persons according to the will of the creator.”

With Malacanang seemingly behind RH Bill, its adoption in Congress is a foregone conclusion. To date, however, individual members are keeping their votes close to their chest.

In the Cordillera region however, only Ifugao Rep. Teddy Baguilat Jr. publicly voiced out his intent to vote in the affirmative when the RH bill is up for a vote. Other congressmen, namely: Baguio CityBernard Vergara, Benguet Ronald Cosalan, Mt. Province Max Dalog, Kalinga Manuel Agyao, ApayaoElias Bulut Jr., and Abra Joy Bernos-Valera are quiet and distant to the issue.

They seem to be sensitive to a possible backlash from the church which commands a huge voting population. However, they may perhaps, cast their respective votes along partylines by way of accessing pork barrel funds.

The Palace thru President Aquinos’ spokespersons “believes in the freedom of each individual to decide on the size of his family”. However, they say the issue is in the hands of legislators in attempts to avoid a clash with the leaders of the church.

Not to be counted out the Philippine Legislators Committee on Population and Development Foundation Inc. (PLCPD) raised its voice over the raging emotional debate.

Ramon San Pascual, PLCPD executive director, said church leaders are “contributing to the manslaughter of mothers” by opposing the Reproductive Health Bill. They “talk about choosing life, they have blood on their hands for the death of 11 mothers from maternal-related complications every day”, he added.

In urging his flock to pray for the rejection of the RH Bill, Bishop Rodolfo Beltran of the Vicariate of Bontoc-Lagawe (Mt. Province and Ifugao) wrote in his pastoral letter:

"I await with enthusiasm how our congressmen will decide and vote on this matter. This is indeed a time of revelation, a time of knowing what skin they wear. I enjoin every Filipino to watch all the proceedings in the House of Representatives and the Senate. This issue will reveal who they are whom we have entrusted with our suffrage,"

In spite of this, the Knights of Columbus (KC) in Manila are into the fray with their unanimous vote to question the constitutionality of the RH Bill before the Supreme Court should the measure be enacted into law. The KC spokesman said it violates the “first and fundamental right …to life”.

Yet then again, I cannot reconcile the arguments of the CBCP and the KC with the opinion presented by Fr. Joaquin Bernas, SJ, JSD of Ateneo de Manila on the Ayala Alabang bgy. Ordinance requiring doctor’s prescription before on can buy a condom or other kinds of contraceptives to pregnancy.

Fr. Bernas who was one among those who drafted the Philippine Constitution says:
"The official Catholic teaching is that artificial contraception is immoral. Other religions believe in good faith otherwise. Seeking to impose Catholic belief and practices on non-Catholics and others violatesfreedom of religion.

“Freedom of religion does not merely mean freedom to believe. It also means freedom to act or not to act according to one’s belief. And this too is the teaching of Vatican II in its decree Dignitatis Humanae."

As I said earlier if I were a woman I will read Fr. Bernas’ opinions anytime. I can exercise my freedom in bed.- hp


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