Kin of typhoon casualties receive financial assistance

>> Tuesday, October 25, 2011

By VencyBulayungan and Mhars Lihgawon

HINGYON, Ifugao-- Families of casualties of Typhoon Pedring recently received financial assistance from the provincial government.

According to Marcela Cortez of the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office, families of four typhoon victims received P10,000 each from the PLGU through the Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office last week.

“Recipients of the financial assistance who got their checks from the PSWDO were parents and relatives of casualties Linda Humiding - 45 ; Maribel Pugong – 2; Ryan Nanglegan – 14 and AngelieGano from Hingyon municipality,” Cortez said.

Humiding and Pugong were residents of Barangay Mompolia while Nanglegan and Gano came from Barangay Umalbong.

The cash assistance is in addition to the assorted relief goods given to them by various agencies that would address their needs for the meantime.

Cash assistance of P5,000 will also be given to injured victims who were hospitalized, Cortez said clarifying that the amount is purposely for hospitalization.

Meanwhile, the Office of Civil Defense provided financial assistance to families of casualties of Typhoon Mina that battered the province last August.

Gov. Eugene Balitang turned over four checks on behalf of Director Olivia Luces of the OCD with P10,000.00 each to relatives of the four casualties who were buried alive in a landslide at Aguinaldo town.

The family members of the casualties who received the said cheques were Belinda Domingo, Imelda Nabban, Shirley Mechenge and Melinda Aguinit.

Two policemen SPO2 Ricky Agwit and SPO2 Jeff Domingo were among the four who perished in said landslide.

They were about to help a government vehicle which got stuck in a muddy portion of the road when they were on their way to the town center.

Responding to said request, the policemen here rushed to the area. A landslide happened which buried the two policemen including two civilians.


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