Who is an Igorot?
>> Thursday, July 22, 2021
(As folks celebrate the 34th founding of the Cordillera Administrative Region I would like to reprint this article I wrote for the Philippine Daily Inquirer in the 1990’s during our active days as a news reporter). A
POPULAR aphorism in the Cordillera about three hungry tribal folk who got
lost and wanted to eat in a lone hinterland house goes like this:.The
Ibaloi stood from a distance but left after his shyness overcame him. The Kalinga did not eat as water was not offered to him. But the Kankanaey made
himself at home. He wen straight to the kitchen, served himself with food,
proceeded to sit on the host's favorite armchair, and crossed his legs with a
cup of steaming hot coffee in his hand. Notions
about Cordillera folk, right or wrong, still persist to this day. Tourists or
lowlanders who visit the region may find themselves in situations or cultures they may find strange but actually mirror a tribe's peculiar traits. In
the tourist town of Banaue in Ifugao, site of the famed rice terraces, a sign
in a roadside comfort room goes like this: ''He or She But Not Together.'' The
Ifugaos, particularly from Kiangan town, are popular in the region for their
irreverent jokes and humor. If
one is traveling in Kalinga, the first thing he should ask for is a glass of
water if he does not want to be harmed, according to Gus Saboy, a Kalinga
native and former director of the Cordillera Executive Board. ''This
signifies that the host family has accepted the responsibility of protecting
the visitor who drank the water while he is still in his place. This means,
he won't be harmed by tribesmen,'' Saboy said. Wild
West Kalinga,
known as the ''Wild West'' of the Cordillera, could be dangerous to travelers
when tribal wars are ongoing, Saboy said. Most residents reportedly own
firearms for self-preservation. For
the Kankanaeys and Applais of Sagada, Mt. Province, old-timers say it is
considered a good trait if a visitor does not wait for the host to serve him.
They say if the visitor finds out that food hasn't been cooked yet, then he
should do it himself. He should also wash the dishes. Residents,
however, said this cultural trait is not being practiced much by educated
folk. They don't just barge inside a house and eat a family's food. They also
now serve their visitors like lowlanders do. The
''Westernization'' of Sagada started when American Anglican missionaries
converted the Sagada pagans to the Christian faith in the early part of this
century, anthropological accounts say. Christian influence was reportedly
responsible for the adulteration of culture. These
times, one wouldn't be surprised to see an Anglican church wedding with
a babayas or tribal wedding following shortly, complete with gongs,
dancing and butchering of animals. Tribal
rites in Sagada are also performed in dap-ays. It is a sort of a male
clubhouse and the young boy already knows it well for it is here that he
comes in short-lived fascination to hear a few moments of adult legal talk so
complicated he soon scurries again to play. But
whatever the dap-ay may have meant in his life in the past or will
mean in the future, at the moment, it seems foremost in his mind as his new
sleeping place, for the dap-ay is the dormitory for unmarried
males. As
a young Sagada boy, this writer spent countless times in the dap-ay scratching
the foot soles of older men with two sticks, a mandatory form of ritual for
the kids called dagdagay. The dap-ay does
not have any window. And keeping the fire alive during the night is assigned
to the smallest boys, who are called mama-o. The older boys are called
the mangmong as it is their job to collect firewood for the early
morning dap-ay fires in the center of the stone platform around
which the men warm themselves on waking. Obscene According
to old folk, most Mt. Province residents consider it obscene for an innocent
child to be present during the conception of his younger brothers and sisters
so they are sent to sleep in the dap-ays. This
is the case even in Benguet where unmarried family members may sleep in the
same small house, anthropologists say. But their parents wait until they are
all asleep before indulging in the kind of pleasure meant to make the family
still larger. Such
unions have produced outstanding locals like former Mt. Province Rep. Alfredo
Lam-en who took the Igorot's cause against discrimination in style to the
shame of his detractors. The
flamboyant and good-looking Lam-en delivered a privilege speech in Congress
while wearing a g-string. He berated former Foreign Minister Carlos P. Romulo
for saying that ''Igorots are not Filipinos.'' 'The
only difference between me and Romulo is that he wears his tie on his neck
while I wear mine below,'' he said. His peers and admirers have nicknamed him
''John Wayne of the Cordillera'' for his similarity to the hero of western
movies. In
Bauko, Mt. Province, it was believed that a child watching his parents engage
in sexual intercourse will get sick and die. Nowadays,
most modern Sagada families do not force their children to sleep in
the dap-ay. In the past, the offending boy who wouldn't want to sleep in
the dap-ay would be taunted at daybreak by his peers who sing
''Sot, sot, ak, ak, sot.'' One of the words is an obscene term for copulation
and the other an onomatopoeic term for the accompanying sound. These
times, Sagada kids or adult men particularly in the poblacion don't
sleep in dap-ays anymore. They prefer watching television. Adulteration Sagada
old-timers admit that tourism, television and modernization of the town have
resulted in the deterioration or adulteration of the people's culture. Even
in music, teenagers now sing reggae during their countless drunken nights in
local stores and pubs. So
who is an Igorot? The generic name Ygolote, Igolot or Igorotte, according to
historian William Henry Scott, was used by the Spanish conquistadors and
missionaries to describe the Cordillera natives. Fr.
Casimiro Diaz, a Spanish friar who accompanied the first Spanish expedition
to the Cordillera, had this to say: 'The
Igorots are a barbaric people, and of little intelligence, being so because,
they are born in a cooler climate, they are deceitful, cunning and cruel,
they practice bigamy, marrying many women, very superstitious and believe in
divinations'' (Igorots, Rev. Father Fray Angel Perez, 1988). Some
anthropologists like Scott went on to debunk some biased notions against
Igorots. But according to government officials like those of the Cordillera
Regional Assembly and the Cordillera Regional Board, discrimination and
ignorance about the Igorots, their customs and traditions were responsible
for the misinformation against them. Sagada
old-timers still recount with glee the story in the 1960s of a Manila lady
who asked a male resident in the town to show him his tail. In
perfect English, the young man deadpanned: ''Pardon me lady, but I cannot
show you my front tail unless you marry me.'' There
are at least eight major ethnolinguistic tribes in the Cordillera based on
studies by the Cordillera Schools Group. The CSG is composed of private
schools in the region. Cordillera
tribes The
tribes include the Ifugaos, Bontocs, Kankanaeys, Ibalois, Ikalahans, Isnegs,
Kalingas and Isnegs. Ifugao
is derived from the word ''Ipugo'' which means ''people from the earth.''
They are the ones with some of the most magnificent rice terraces in the
region like the ones in Banaue. According
to the CSG study, most Ifugaos don't want to be called Igorots; they simply
want to be called Ifugaos. The
basic Ifugao male attire is the wanoh or loin cloth for the men
and ampuyo (general name for skirt) for the women. The men are
muscular while the women are proportionately beautiful. Manny
Ngitit, an Ifugao native and staff member of the provincial Philippine
Information Agency, said they did not practice the bodong (peace
pact) system to engage in war or settle conflicts unlike some tribes in Mt.
Province and Kalinga. In a gathering, chances are the life of the party is an
Ifugao who never tires of telling jokes. The
Bontoks are found in Mt. Province. According to accounts made by Spanish
friars based on Scott's writings, they were ''aggressive, warlike and quick
and rough'' when provoked. They
have larger and more muscular bodies, fair or dark in complexion and shorter
height unlike the Kalinga males who are tall, dark and have slender bodies. In
earlier days, the Bontok males courted the women in the ulog, some sort
of a dormitory for women. The men and women may sleep together and engage in
sex even without getting married. If they feel they are sexually compatible
and they love each other, they may get married. Benguet
is home to the Ibalois. They are the butt of jokes among the more aggressive
tribes for their perceived timidity and shyness, according to observers. Some
Ibalois dispute these attributions and some stabbings and maulings have
resulted in pub drinking bouts even in Baguio City due to taunting. Ibalois
like Ceferino Willy, Baguio station manager of PTV 4, who is half Kankanaey
and half Ibaloi, say the Ibalois' timidity is apparent in weddings or wakes. 'The
one who is usually at the background is an Ibaloi and you may quote me on
this,'' he said. Willy
said the perceived timidity or shyness was acquired by the poorer Ibalois due
to the past feudal setup between the rich and the poor. 'Attend
any Ibaloi wedding or wake and the ones who are seated at the best tables and
given the best wine or food are the rich. The poorer ones are those in the
inconspicuous places,'' he said. Morr
Pungayan, one of the more recent Cordillera historians, however, said the Ibalois
now are not really that timid as they have acquired education or become rich. Some
Ibaloi tribes have reportedly engaged in headhunting forays in the past and
have distinguished themselves for gallantry and valor during wars like the
Japanese occupation. 'Gentle
people' The
Ikalahans or Kalangoyas, known as the ''gentle people'' of the region,
inhabit the eastern side of the Cordillera mountain range particularly those
near the Sierra Madre. According
to the CSG study, the word Kalangoya is not only derogatory but also implies
ludicrous connotations. When
spoken in full, Kalangoya would be ''Kelay ngoy ya?'' which is literally
translated as ''What in the world is that?'' or ''What the hell is the
matter?''--expressions maliciously uttered by non-tribal members. Where
in the world indeed can one find the Kalangoya's monkey dance, except when
they gather wherein dancers mimic the face or actuations of a monkey. The
Isnegs are slash-and-burn farmers who inhabit the interior ranges of Apayao.
They are the last tribal group among the Cordillerans to be conquered by the
Americans. They
build their dwellings along major river systems and tributaries. Some Isnegs
told the Inquirer during a recent visit to Apayao that they practice
wife-swapping, even for short or longer periods, although anthropologists
have to corroborate this. Warlike The
Kalingas are considered one of the most warlike tribes in the region due to
proliferation of tribal wars and revenge vendettas. Inter-tribal relations
are still extremely hostile when a bodong (peace pact) is broken.
In the past, headtaking was a highly noble thing to do. Kalinga
folk said that for a young man to go on a kayao (headhunting foray)
in the past, coming back with a human head was proof of his bravery. The head
is his ticket to getting tattooed, and with it, he gains the respect of the
menfolk and admiration of the women. These
times, warriors reportedly do not bring home heads but just kill their
enemies for crimes or wrongdoing. A growing number of educated Kalingas have
recently called for a stop to the bodong, saying it creates a
neverending cycle of violence. They, however, admit that this cannot be done
in the near future. The
Tingguians hale from Abra. One of Tingguians who became famous or infamous
depending on which ideological side of the fence, is former rebel priest
Conrado Balweg, chief of the Cordillera People's Liberation Army. Observers
say Tingguians talk like birds in a sing-song manner and have learned not to
isolate themselves from outsiders and have integrated well with other tribes
or lowlanders who migrated to Abra. The
Kankanaeys are considered one of the aggressive tribes in the region. They
live in western Mt. Province. They are the travelers or migrants always in
search of better livelihood opportunities. They are now not only in different
parts of the country but also the world.
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