Nutritional needs of the elderlies

>> Sunday, May 15, 2022


Victor Romulo Gallardo Dumaguing MD

First and foremost, the author wish to correct last statement in the past Sunday issue which said “so for the ‘mercury’ tablets sent by well-meaning friends; the word ‘ mercury’ should have been Omega-3-fish oil tablets. There are no mercury tablets.     The message is, since the source of some omega-3 fish oils are from deep sea fishes, where mercury may have settled, a few fish oils might be tainted with HgCl2, and thus it’s safe to bring them to your family doctor for his evaluation.
     As of latest statistics, senior citizens comprise 9% of the 110 million + Filipinos and probably more. Epidemiological studies show that with better medical services and a high awareness of senior citizens of the health benefits of combined sensible dietary choices plus some reasonable mobility exercises, more and more elderlies are enjoying the so-called sunset years of their lives.
     However, certain realities exists. Once a person is officially declared a “senior”- 60 or 65 years old- even those with ideal lifestyles- no vices, good hygiene, restful sleep- there would be significant changes in the different organs of the body.
     For the nutritional needs of the seniors, let’s zero into the digestive process. We are born with about 40,000 taste buds receptors in our tongue, which at 40 years after, there would have been a big decrease in their number, with only sweetness and salty receptors being active, thus old folks prefer those food with the exclusion of other nutrients. Most likely, their dentition Is,- now mostly dentures-false teeth- which if ill-fitting- would affect the mastication(chewing) and thus lessen the appreciation of the texture and taste of the food.
     Absorption of nutrients is also a factor- from the mucosa of the stomach to the small intestines- duodenum, jejunum-where most absorption takes place; ileum, up to colon or large intestines where water is reabsorbed back into the blood, thus explains why most stools are solid or at least, semi-solid.
     Thus, there is the glaring fact that, there are now certain gaps in the nutritional needs of the elderlies and that’s where food supplements can be helpful.
     With the kind permission of our editor, allow me to share with our readers the adult nutritional supplement ENTRASOL Platinum which offers” balanced nutrition” ; to wit, high protein for cell repair and regeneration, 75% whey protein for easy absorption as well as prevention of muscle loss, its 80% inulin-not insulin- is high-fiber which is useful in healthy bowel function, easy regular defecation, and with its 20% beta glucan, would help strengthen the immune system, together with Vitamin C, D, E and the essential Zinc.  For strong bones, aside from Vitamin D, there is also calcium and the presence of magnesium contributes to good functioning of heart muscles. A big bonus is its zero content of trans fat, thus it does not cause lipid problems, like cholesterol or triglycerides.
     The life of every living organism on Earth- humans, animals, plants- is dictated and programmed by our DNA, which includes physiologic-normal- ageing process of the different cells and organs of the human body, which obviously beyond our absolute control. We take consolation with the fact that somehow, we can modify it, even delay its onslaught by lifestyle changes and sensible nutritional choices.
     Hashtags of Entrasol Platinum, “Get More, Be More”. We add, Know More, ask your Doctor!

Covid-19 vaccine technique shows promise for heart disease

Victor Romulo Gallardo Dumaguing, MD

SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS France – A method for delivering genetic material to the body is being tested as a way to repair damaged heart muscle after a heart attack. The ground-breaking research is presented at Frontiers in CardioVascular Biomedicine 2022, a scientific congress of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).1
    The Covid-19 messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines2 use lipid nanoparticles (tiny fat droplets) to deliver mRNA to the body’s cells. This mRNA instructs the cells to manufacture a dummy spike protein on their surface to mimic the protein on the virus causing Covid-19. The body then mounts an immune response by creating antibodies which can be used if the individual becomes infected with the virus.
    A similar method for mRNA delivery was used in the current study. However, instead of aiming for an immune response, the researchers’ ultimate goal is to instruct the heart’s cells to repair themselves after a heart attack.
    This preliminary study was conducted to determine whether mRNA could be successfully delivered to the heart muscle in lipid nanoparticles. The researchers injected different formulations into the left ventricular wall of mouse hearts during open chest surgery under general anesthesia.
    Twenty-four hours after administration, the mice were sacrificed and the location of mRNA translation was examined.
    The researchers found that mRNA successfully reached the heart cells 24 hours after injection. However, despite injection into the heart, the highest levels of mRNA translation were found in cells of the liver and spleen.
    Study author Dr. Clara Labonia of the University Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands said: “High expression was expected in the liver, since it metabolizes the lipid nanoparticles. Nonetheless, it was encouraging to see that there was mRNA translation in the heart tissue which means that lipid nanoparticles could work as delivery systems for mRNA therapy.”
    She concluded: “The next step of this research is to test more formulations and choose the one which most efficiently targets the heart tissue. We will then assess whether delivery of mRNA to mice with ischaemic hearts (resembling a heart attack) has any therapeutic effect
    The Covid 19 vaccines formulated along mRNA platform are Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, which are approved by our FDA for primary- lst and 2nd dose vaccines_ as well as for the lst and 2nd booster doses. It used to be that only the citizens of developed or the so-called First World countries who suffered from cardiovascular diseases. The sad reality is that  people in developing or shall we say, economically-struggling nations  are now suffering from the same malady, whether in the form of acute myocardial infarction-heart attack- or congestive heart failure, secondary to uncontrolled blood pressure and problematic blood sugar issues. Thus, the world anticipates the positive results of more researches and clinical trials with mRNA Covid vaccines for a healthier and more energetic hearts for everyone.


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