Search on for Baguio outstanding women on

>> Tuesday, February 5, 2019

BAGUIO CITY – Submission of nominations to the 2019 Search for Outstanding Women Leaders (OWLS) end on Feb. 7with screening, validation, interview deliberation and finalization of reports up to Feb 23, and awarding during the Kababaihan festival program on March 8 at the PFVR gymnasium.
Forms could be obtained during office hours at the CSWDO, Upper Session road and Public Information Office, Mayor’s Office at City Hall.
This was announced during the committee meeting last week at the City Social Welfare and Development Office.
The nominee should be a Baguio resident for at least ten years, “a woman leader who is able to inspire, influence, and guide in accomplishing programs for the general welfare and development of the city, with a significant role in promoting womens’ empowerment and upliftment in welfare and status.”
Community involvement and leadership awards for service, affiliation with volunteer organizations, and other references are scrutinized by the screening and awards committee, it was known.
A woman of unquestionable integrity; the nominee must not have been convicted of any administrative or criminal offense; and of good reputation, credibility and respectability.
A duly notarized self-certification; prosecutor’s and National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) clearance would attest to the non-pending case against the nominee.
The education, work history, accomplishments, projects, researches, creative output and impact of results are factors in the choosing of awardees. The nomination with photos should be submitted in five copies, with one set of supporting clippings or certificates.
Self-nomination or nominations by individuals, groups, government offices, superiors or subordinates or any individual in the agency with extensive knowledge of the nominee could be done.
According to CSWD Officer Betty Fangasan, the search is one of Baguio’s best practices, which is advocated since 2006. Women awardees have been featured in an OWLS directory in 2014. – Julie G. Fianza


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