Anti-human trafficking group in Baguio pushed

>> Sunday, May 3, 2020

By Dexter A. See 

BAGUIO CITY – The City Council approved on first reading a proposed ordinance mandating the Baguio Character Council and other organizations to form an anti-human trafficking network for the city.
            The ordinance states the city mayor shall mandate the creation of the AHTN to be included in the program of the Baguio Character Council with the Baguio Character Council as chair, city human resource officer as vice chair and members to include the city legislative body, volunteer organizations working on children’s concerns, representative from the Baguio-Benguet ecumenical group or any faith organization, the PNP Women and children protection desk, and a representative each from the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP), the Integrated Bar of the Philippines–Baguio-Benguet chapter, Medical Association of the Philippines, business sector and other city government departments.
            The ordinance said members of the network shall have a term of not more than three years, but they can serve on holdover capacity until another set of members will be appointed and convened by the city mayor.
            The ordinance stipulated the AHTN will assist victims of human trafficking in seeking medical, protection and legal means for peace of mind and justice to  include advocacy programs, seminars and teaching media, and other means of promoting anti-human trafficking; protection programs.
Medical and legal assistance the local law said, will be given to victims of human trafficking in coordination with other stakeholders like those conducting research on human trafficking in the city.
The groups will also recommend closure of businesses involved in human trafficking and related activities.
            The ordinance shall be promoted widely to reach as many as possible for compliance and awareness of the people in the city’s 128 barangays.
            According to the proposed measure, the business sector should be made aware, discourage and prevent any business that leads to or promotes human trafficking and that they commit not to violate anti-human trafficking laws and regulations in the conduct their business.
            The ordinance stipulates the funding of the activities of the network shall be sourced out by the network from activities on a co-sharing basis, however, for the first 2 years of operation, the network may present a one-year project to be co-funded by the city government of not more than 100,000 pesos to be part of the Character City fund of the City Human Resource Management Office.
            The ordinance notes it is the policy of the State to penalize human trafficking and human prostitution under Republic Act (RA) 9208, otherwise known as the Anti-Human Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003.
            RA 7610 or the Anti-Child Abuse Act specifically states that child prostitution and sexual abuse is punishable by law.


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