Lower House passes motorcycle taxi bill

>> Friday, February 11, 2022

MANILA — The House of Representatives has passed a measure legalizing and regulating motorcycle ride-hailing services in the country.
    Congressmen decided unanimously in hybrid plenary session on Monday to approve on third and final reading House Bill 10571, a consolidated version of 18 bills that seek to make motorcycle taxi services a public transport option.
    One hundred eighty-nine House members voted to pass the bill that will grant motorcycle taxis and delivery services a franchise from the government and will also benefit riders through fare regulation.
    The House passage of the measure came after the plenary approved it on second reading last week.
    House transportation committee chairman Edgar Mary Sarmiento, who sponsored the measure on the floor, said the bill would amend Republic Act 4136, the Land Transportation and Traffic Code, which prohibits the use of two-wheeled vehicles as public transport.
    HB 10571 declares motorcycles-for-hire as common carriers governed by applicable provisions of the Civil Code of the Philippines and other pertinent laws, rules and regulations on common carriers, particularly on the required degree of diligence and reasonable care while transporting passengers and goods.         


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