>> Sunday, May 20, 2007

Mother's Day
by Benito ‘Jong’ Molintas Jr.

She is the most kind, understanding, forgiving, and supportive figure individual. She is always around to listen to our problems. Although, known to be physically weak, she valued much. She is our mom.

May 11 was Mother’s Day. I hope that with our hectic schedules in getting ahead in life, we are reminded often of the value of our mothers.

It is our mothers who carried us in the womb for months and cradled us until we could walk. But did we greet them last Mother’s Day? Did we realize that even if we were grown up – they experienced hardship when they were raising us as babies? I am certain some of us have shouted at them and ignored their pieces of advice, listened instead to our peers and joined them in imbibing illegal drugs and liquor.

It is painful to be in their shoes and hopefully for the younger generation, they would honor their mothers and give them the due respect they deserve. Their kindness and understanding have often been abused by selfish and self-centered children.

Let us give our parents their due. Let us show respect, love, and care when they are incapable of doing so. It hurts to be abused. Right after my mom retired at the Justice Hall of Bontoc, I became depressed when this former officemate had an altercation with her uttering cuss words like “bullshit.”

This prodded me to curse the lady. It wouldn’t have mattered if my mom made a mistake against her but she didn’t. Good if the person who uttered the expletives was known to be clean and honest. My mom was known to be a religious person and didn’t know how to hurt people.
Anyway, these types of people will soon have to deal with their karma.

It is revolting when one’s mom is the object of injustice committed by people in positions of power by they a clerk, stenographer, or somebody higher who they think they are the judges of their subalterns.

Let me share this to people who feel this way, particularly those who improved their lives despite persecution that through the help of the Lord we attained something, be it a position or wealth. We must be thankful to Him for his great deeds.

Mother’s Day, is a challenge to people who have done something wrong to others that we should remember that we have our children and other people could do something bad to them. This is also a thought for mothers to leave a legacy for the younger generation who would in turn become mothers in the future.

It would be painful on the part of a mother to see her children being abused and experiencing the bad things she had to pass though. Thus, to the mothers -- act as mothers so that your children would learn how to give respect, love and care not only to their immediate family but to others.


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