June verdict set for Campbell slay case

>> Thursday, June 26, 2008

SOLANO, Nueva Vizcaya – The Banaue, Ifugao regional trial court is set to come out with its decision on the murder of US Peace Corps volunteer Julia Campbell in April last year. Judge Ester Piscoso-Flor said here all has been set for the verdict on Juan Donald Duntugan, the self-confessed killer of Campbell on June 30.

“What I can only say is that barring any unforeseen events like force majeure or sudden illness of any party including myself, we will be having the decision read to the public by June 30,” Flor said.

Duntugan, a native of La Trinidad, Benguet, admitted to killing the American but his lawyers are hoping he would get a lighter sentence of a maximum 20 years considering his admission before the court.

“In any case, whatever the verdict, Duntugan will ultimately be sent to the New Bilibid Prisons in Muntinlupa City,” Flor said.

Despite the admission, the prosecution pushed for a life term for Duntugan, pointing out the brutality of the killing of Campbell. Campbell’s body, which was in an advanced stage of decomposition, was found buried near a footpath of the famous Banaue Rice Terraces in Batad village on April 16. Authorities noted the body was buried in a shallow grave, indicating foul play.

On the other hand, the defense lawyers argued Duntu­gan made the confession before and during the trial, which could merit a mitigating circumstance that would lower the sentence to homicide. The lawyers argued there was no murder since Duntugan had no intention to kill Campbell, and that he had merely mistook her for a neighbor against whom he had a grudge. -- CL


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