Kalinga gov warns land claimants on market road

>> Friday, May 6, 2011

By Peter A. Balocnit

TABUK CITY, Kalinga – Gov. Jocel Baac has recently allotted P3 million for the opening of the Taloctoc-Anggacan, Mangali farm-to-market road, warning road-right-of-way claimants that he will realign the funds if they demand too much compensation for lands traversed by the road.

Having been neglected for many years, Baac said the construction of the 4 km road is a priority project of his administration this year.

“If funds could suffice, I want this road open this year,” he said as he called on the support of the community and land owners whose properties will be traversed by the road to the remote area.

He also appealed to road right-of-way claimants to give way to the project even as he warned that once the construction is disturbed by RROW demands for payment, the project will be stopped and transferred to another place.

The opening of said road was started by the municipal government unit of Tanudan.

It was continued by the Office of the Presidential Assistant on the Peace Process through the 513th Engineering Battalion of the Philippine Army, but construction did not reach the Taloctoc-Mangali boundary.

The road when completed will ease travel and transport of agricultural produce to town centers .


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