Asin hydro agreement awaits implementation

>> Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Roger D. Sinot

TUBA, Benguet On the 27th of October 2010, a Compromise Agreement was signed between the city government and the landowners whose real properties have been affected by the operation of the Asin Hydro Power Plants. The hydro-electric plants are located in barangays Tadiangan and Nangalisan in Tuba, Benguet. The agreement was made to end a long standing dispute concerning the compensation in the form of rent for those whose lands were traversed by the pipelines and plant facilities.

After the accord, the Tadiangan-Nangalisan Hydro Ancestral Landowners Association (TNHALA) decided to end a case they earlier filed before the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP). The Compromise Agreement resolved Civil Case No. 6911-R that was filed by the city government before the Regional Trial Court, Branch III. Both parties have already submitted their verified agreement to the court.

“It is time for us to settle all disputes since we have come to a win-win solution favoring us (landowners) and the city. And I also believe that what is stated in the agreement will be followed accordingly by the city government,” Ms. Olga Cagas Dangwa, one elder and member of TNHALA said.

Mayor Mauricio Domogan said that the three percent net surplus of the gross income from the time the city took over in 2007 to the present as basis for the computation is more beneficial to both parties as the compensation under this scheme will directly be proportional to the output of the plants. He even said that the city and the landowners affected will conduct a validation survey to identify the legitimate landowners whose properties are traversed by the plant’s operation.

The other terms under the agreement are that the landowners will have representation in the Bids and Awards Committee to witness the bidding process, be entitled to privileges and other priority projects, priority employment in the plant, scholarship programs for their heirs, and subsidy for their electric bills.  

The agreement provides that the City of Baguio will pay rent that will be subject to an increase after three years from the day the compromise agreement was made, with the additional amount to be based on mutual agreement of the parties, whoever wins the bidding and manages the operation of the Asinhydros. TNHALA has a total of 120 families or members, all of whom shall receive a share of 3 percent rental from the City of Baguio to be remitted through the association’s bank account.  

At present, the municipality of Tuba is asserting its powers over the operation of the AHPP. Lately, they asked the Energy Regulatory Commission to cause the stop of operations of the plant which took effect last October 2012. Finally, the Tuba officials were convinced that the plight of TNHALA was legitimate. Although the municipal officials’ move is a “Johnny come lately” action, welcome to the club, sirs and Mesdames.

Happy Cordillera month to one and all. Happy trails ahead.


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