Mayor cites DPWH for paving gaps on roads

>> Monday, November 3, 2014

BAUKO, Mountain Province – Mayor Abraham B. Akilit commended the regional and district offices of the Department of Public works and Highways for immediately prioritizing the concreting of unpaved gaps in various sections of national roads in the different parts of the town which contributed to the smooth and speedy delivery of basic services to the people in the remote villages.

Akilit earlier called attention to series of unpaved 50-meter gaps along national and secondary arterial roads in the municipality to the DPWH not in accordance to sound engineering practices and which cause of inconvenience to the public urging the agency will prioritize paving of the gaps instead of pursuing re-blocking of good roads.

“Our constituents are now satisfied over the timely action of DPWH officials to our earlier request to prioritize the paving of the series of 50-meter gaps along our roads instead of pursuing more re-blocking projects that have significantly affected the efficient and effective delivery of basic services to the remote villages,” Akilit said.

The local chief executive said after raising his point in relation to the implementation of on-going projects in the town, DPWH officials immediately visited him and agreed to work on  numerous 50-meter gaps along major national roads while working on the programmed re-blocking works which resulted to convenient travel among motorists.

“As our counterpart to ensure the immediate completion of all major concreting and widening works along our national works, we tasked our barangay officials within areas that have road-right-of-way problems to be the ones to settle such conflicts that resulted to our harmonious working relationships with concerned agencies and the barangays,” Akilit said.

He said barangay officials and the people know value of improved roads.

The mayor cited now that gaps along the 94-km Mabaay-Abatan-Tadian-Cervantes national road have been patched up and concreted, motorists now experience smooth travel.

From the previous 45 minute travel from Mount Data to the municipal hall area in Abatan here, motorists claimed the paving of the gaps shortened the travel time to only 20 minutes which translates to savings on fuel and time.

Akilit called on the DPWH to include in its priority list of projects concreting and widening of several inter-provincial and inter-municipal tourism roads in the different parts of the town which lead to key tourism destinations that would serve as an added boost to the growth of visitors who will visit the town considering that it is the gateway of Mountain Province before going to other tourist destinations like the towns of Sagada and Bontoc. -- Dexter A. See


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