Abra power coop to clear name of drug stigma

>> Wednesday, August 10, 2016

By Freddie G. Lazaro

BANGUED, Abra – Officials and employees of the Abra Electric Cooperative (Abreco) are submitting themselves a drug test to clear the cooperative’s name of being a drug addict-ridden organization.
Seares said the move comes on the heels of reports that 90 Abreco employees are drug users. “We do not tolerate this under our watch,” he said.
Abreco officials, PDEA and police officials met last week on the drug stigma within the power cooperative.
“We want to assure authorities and our 30,000 member-consumers that drug abuse has no place inside Abreco,” Seares said.
Abreco Administrative Officer Marvin Bisares said only 85 of the 264 employees have not undergone tests as ordered by Seares Jr. “We expect everyone to have undergone the tests until August 3,” he said.

As a cooperative, Seares said” “We like to show our support to “Project Pagbabago” of the Duterte administration. We also want to maintain a healthy and productive workforce.”


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