Road crashes no ‘accidents’
>> Saturday, April 29, 2017
Alfred P. Dizon
The bus “accident” that killed 33 persons at latest count in Carranglan,
Nueva Ecija on Tuesday has brought out the issue whether vehicle “accidents”
should be called such or “crashes.”
Road safety advocates want government, stakeholders and advocates and
even media to abandon the use of the word "accident" in referring to
road “crashes.”
Sophia Monica San Luis, founding director of Imagine Law, a non-profit
public interest law organization that aims to foster and promote human
development through public policy development and advocacy, research and
knowledge and capacity building, says use of the word "accident" in
referring to road crashes is pervasive in the Philippines, we hardly give it a
“When a crash happens, we shrug and say "naaksidente." When
the Tanay bus crash happened, mainstream media reported it as an
"accident." The Philippine National Police, Metro Manila Development
Authority and Philippine Statistics Authority record road fatalities as traffic
"accident" deaths.
“In September, our legislators expressed alarm over the rising number of vehicular "accidents" calling for an investigation into them.
But are the hundreds of thousands of road crashes occurring on
Philippine roads every year really accidents?
Picture this:
An old, speeding bus careens down a mountain highway. The driver loses
control, hits a post, killing his passengers.
A drunk motorcycle rider on his way home from a party, crashes into a
left-turning taxi that signaled 10 meters before reaching the intersection.
A jeepney plowed into a traffic enforcer, having u-turned wide from the
third lane, to overtake other u-turning vehicles.
A passenger van kills a child crossing a six-lane highway on the way to
A passenger car crashes into the car in front of it, because the driver
was texting while driving.
A motorcycle drives into an electric post in the middle of the road.
Luis says these kinds of collisions that happen daily on Philippine
roads are not really accidents, in the ordinary or legal sense.”
Merriam-Webster defines an accident as an
"unforeseen or unplanned event or circumstance, lacking in intention or
Black's Law dictionary
defines accident as "an unforeseeable and unexpected
turn of events" that is neither deliberate nor inevitable.
In Philippine jurisprudence, Imagine Law says an accident is understood
as "an unforeseen event in which no fault or negligence attaches to the
defendant." It is distinguished from "negligence" which is
defined as the failure to observe that degree of care that the circumstances demand
for the protection of others, and which results in another suffering an injury.
In the case of Jarco Marketing Corporation vs. Court of Appeals, the
Supreme Court referred to accident and negligence as "intrinsically
contradictory," because an accident occurs even when a person is
exercising ordinary care, whereas negligence is the absence of such care.
“Given these definitions, it is evident that majority of road crashes
occurring on our roads are not accidents, but are either deliberate acts or
negligent acts. For instance, in the case of the jeepney that plowed into the
traffic enforcer, there was a deliberate decision on the part of the driver to
overtake and turn wide notwithstanding its dangers. The drunk motorcycle rider
was likewise deliberately negligent in deciding to drive under the influence of
“Evidence from studies also show that majority of road crashes are
actually foreseeable or expected, and therefore, preventable by adopting tried
and tested interventions. For instance, studies show unexpected road hazards
cause road crashes. Therefore, road crashes can be avoided by constructing
self-explaining roads with no unexpected hazards. Studies also show that wide
roads are dangerous to pedestrians because vehicles tend to speed, and a crash
at the speed of 60 kph will kill pedestrians 90% of the time.
“Therefore, pedestrian fatalities can be avoided by strict enforcement
of speed limits on wide roads where pedestrians cross.
When a bus careens down a mountain highway, it is not misfortune that
causes it to crash into a post to avoid falling into a ravine, killing its
passengers. Fatal crashes often happen when a heavy vehicle drives downhill, on
curved roads, where it is easy to lose control of the vehicle.
“Because road crashes are largely preventable, and are not matters of
chance as the word accident implies, there is now a growing movement calling
for an end to the liberal use of the A-word. The National Traffic Safety
Administration (NHTSA) in the United States, in 1997, drew
attention to the impact of the use of "accident". For Pamela
Anikeeff, a senior behavioral scientist in NHTSA, the words we use to describe
events affect the way we behave:
"Changing the way we think about events, and the words we use to
describe them, affects the way we behave. Motor vehicle crashes and injuries
are predictable, preventable events. Continued use of the word 'accident'
promotes the concept that these events are outside of human influence or
control. In fact, they are predictable results of specific actions. Since we
can identify the causes of crashes, we can take action to alter the effect and
avoid collisions...."
More recently, Imagine Law says Families for Safe Street, a New York
based organization, and Vision Zero Network, a collaboration of road safety
advocates in the United States, started the Crash Not Accident
campaign, calling on people to pledge to stop calling
traffic crashes "accidents," and to educate others about why crash is
a better word.
“In the Journal of Traumatic Stress, Alan E.
Stewart and Janice Harris Lord, psychologist and sociologist, respectively, advocate
for the replacement of the phrase "motor vehicle accident" with
"motor vehicle crash" in the clinical and research lexicon of
traumatologists, because "crash" is more encompassing.
Indeed, crash is the better word. "Crash" does not assume that
the event is unforeseeable, unexpected or inevitable. It does not presuppose
that the actor was not legally negligent.
See, when we use the word "accident" liberally, we deny its
“The word "accident" exculpates. It denies the liability of
the actor, or the government that persistently fails to address the problem.
The use of the word accident perpetuates the sense of helplessness, the notion
that road crashes cannot be avoided. It suggests that road crashes will keep
occurring however much we try to prevent them. It is a refusal to acknowledge
our power to collectively act and take control of the problem.
Words matter. Call it a crash, not an accident.”
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