Reds surrender in Abra town

>> Sunday, February 10, 2019

LAGANGILANG, Abra -- Two New People’s Army guerrillas have surrendered to the military here last week.
The surrenderees, whose names were withheld, reportedly admitted to authorities that they were members of the NPA-Milisyang Bayan, a group whose members pose as ordinary citizens during the day.
The rebels brought their rifles and two improvised explosive devices when they surrendered to the Army’s 24th Infantry Battalion (IB) based in Barangay Tagodtod on Jan. 31.
The rebels told the military that they want to live a normal life and give their children a better future. 
Earlier this year, nine members of the Milisyang Bayan and a regular NPA rebel also surrendered to the 24th IB. 
Brig. Gen. Lenard Agustin, acting commander of the Army’s 7th Infantry Division, thanked the Philippine National Police for helping the military implement the campaign against insurgency.


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