9 ProCor cops awarded for efficiency

>> Friday, May 6, 2022

CAMP DANGWA, La Trinidad, Benguet -- Nine regional police officers were awarded for topping their unit performance evaluation rating (UPER) here during the “distinguished visitors program” on April 25.
    Maj. Gen. Bartolome R. Bustamante, Philippine National Police director for Plans, led the awarding with Cordillera police director Brig. Gen. Ronald O. Lee and the command group.
    Medalya ng Kasanayan (PNP efficiency medal) was awarded to officer-in-charge of Regional Plans and Strategy Management Division Lt. Col. Vivian Paclibon and Cpl. Glenn Odiem of RPSMD for “significant contribution and support to the administrative thrusts of PROCor” that resulted in the ranking of RPSMD as no.1 Directorate for Plans (DPL) - UPER for the month of March.
    Medalya ng Kasanayan was also awarded to chief of Regional Personnel and Records Management Division Col. Francisco Bulwayan Jr. and Cpl. Marichu Wallace of RPRMD for “significant contribution and support to administrative thrusts of PROCor” that resulted in the ranking of RPRMD as no. 1 in the Directorate for Personnel and Records Management– UPER for the month of March.
    Medalya ng Kasanayan was also awarded to chief of Regional Logistics and Research Development Division Col. Freddie Lazona, PCMS Laruan Lampuyas, and MSg Maretes Bosque of RLRDD for their significant work that resulted in the ranking of RLRDD as no. 1 in the Directorate for Logistics - UPER also for March.
    Medalya ng Kasanayan was also awarded to chief of Regional Information and Communications Technology Management Division Col. Jesselito Castro and Cpl Jacquelin Aspilan of RICTMD for their work that resulted in the ranking of RICTMD as no. 1 in the directorate for information and communications technology management- UPER for March.


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