Tagel campaigns for revival of customary politics in Benguet

>> Sunday, March 2, 2025

LA TRINIDAD, Benguet -- For decades, campaigning in Benguet was a friendly competition. Candidates may have had differing opinions and strategies on how to address issues in the province but dirty politics was unheard of then, according to observers.
Old folks say this practice that is rooted from indigenous practices suddenly changed in recent years, however.
Gone are the days when opposing camps campaigned together and even shared resources to buy food which they eat with the community, they say.
The political scene in the province has changed and turned into personal rivalry not only among the candidates but even among their supporters, they add.
 Running on a platform of land, values, people, One Benguet, a socio-political movement, intends to bring back the customary political practices in the province.
Vice Gov. and One Benguet congressional candidate Ericson “Tagel” Felipe said while culture is dynamic and changes over time, he said there are practices that should remain. This includes preserving the positive values of the i-Benguets.
“Culture is dynamic. It changes but traditions should remain kasla diay tongtongan wenno tavtaval”, Felipe said, adding the tongtongan or tavtaval is a form of a participatory government for it allows community members and leaders to deal with issues cordially.
 “Nagpintas ti panagkakadua tayu ti pulitika. Ma-discover tayu pay ketdi nu sinnu pay ti dadduma nga kakabagian tayu”, Felipe said, recalling the past political exercises of the province where kinship played a huge role why Benguet was able to sustain a peaceful political atmosphere.
 Running on a platform of land, values, people, Felipe and One Benguet said clean politics devoid of any demolition jobs is one of the indigenous values they want to sustain in Benguet.
Ahead of the campaign period in March, Felipe urged his supporters to always be civil and avoid attacking members of opposing camps.
 In his speaking engagements, Felipe said one’s fate, whether in politics or in other aspects in life, is determined by the Almighty.
 In his speaking engagements, Felipe reminds his audience about the long-held tradition in Benguet -- that politics in the province is fair game.
 He said there should be no mudslinging and nothing should be taken personally. Felipe stressed that the end of the day, they are still one community.
“Let us leave it to God. Ti importante, saan tayu nga aga-apa”, the Vice Governor said.
 Felipe is the congressional candidate under One Benguet, a socio-political movement, and is running on a platform of land, values, people. -- Elijah



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