Domogan: No ‘cover-up on slay of vendor’ by POSD men

>> Tuesday, July 22, 2014

By Dexter A. See and Paul Rillorta

BAGUIO CITY – Mayor Mauricio Domogan said there will be no cover-up in the killing of an ambulant vendor here allegedly by members of the city’s Public Order Safety Division.  

Domogan said he directed the Baguio City Police Office and the POSD to complete investigation on the death of Oscar Caranto, 52 of Basista, Pangasinan allegedly in the hands of POSD men.

He said investigation should be done so future action of the city government will evolve around what really transpired that led to the vendor’s death.

Caranto was allegedly mauled June 24 at the POSD office at the public market then later at the main police station by POSD men.

He died June 27 at the Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center

 “We will not cover up the involvement of the POSD personnel in the alleged mauling of the ambulant vendor that resulted to his death but we must first await the outcome of the on-going investigation of the incident before we come out with conclusions,” Domogan said.

This, as he said the controversy will not affect anti-peddling campaign of local government to clear sidewalks, parks and public market from illegal vendors that constrict narrow streets of the central business district.

Domogan ordered the members of the city’s anti-peddling team to intensify anti-peddling operations around the city’s central business district since no vending is allowed along sidewalks, streets and even in the city public market pursuant to the zero vending policy of the Baguio-Boracay Re-development Task Force.

The city mayor said it is very important for all sectors await outcome of the investigation because there are important considerations which must be taken into account that will shed light on what really caused the death of Caranto.

He said the unfortunate incident was an isolated case and will not significantly affect the city’s anti-peddling operations considering the people of Baguio and visitors have appreciated the gains of such operations in reducing overcrowding at the public market and the occurrence of pickpocket incidents the past months.

He declined the recommendation of some city officials to adopt an “open market policy” to allow ambulant vendors to have their own source of income, saying that the city government was able to rid the city’s streets and markets with ambulant vendors, thus, there is no room for the local government to bring back chaos on city streets.

Domogan urged ambulant vendors to strictly adhere to the city’s zero vending policy along major roads, sidewalks and even in parks so they will not be apprehended by POSD personnel.

He said most of the time, it is the vendors that attack the anti-peddling enforcers that usually result to violent incidents.

The implementation of the anti-peddling drive in the city’s public market netted P104,000.00 in fines from ambulant vendors here in a month.

The period covered June 1 to 30 this year. Ambulant vendors caught violating the city’s anti-peddling ordinance were apprehended with their respective goods confiscated by members of the Public Order and Safety Division.

Confiscated goods are released after payment of P1,000.00 fine to the City Treasury Office while unclaimed goods are given to the Department of Social Welfare and Development and other charitable institutions for disposal.

Meantime, a dialogue between POSD personnel and officials and members of the different market vendors organizations was conducted July 11 headed by the mayor and market trade and commerce chair councilor Elaine Sembrano.

Vendors cried foul over the system of apprehension being employed by some POSD personnel wherein no warning is done before apprehension.

Domogan said, “This could be avoided if only market vendors abide by the regulation that there would be strictly no selling in prohibited areas such as streets and roads and advised them to police their own ranks.”

“The POSD is there to implement the ordinance, if you are caught blatantly disobeying the law then there would be a problem,” he said. 

The mayor also ordered the POSD men to observe maximum tolerance in dealing with ambulant vendors and to inventory in detail goods which are being confiscated to avoid complications.

“This ordinance was never intended to stop vendors from doing their business, we want you to practice your livelihood in a legal way that is why we have designated areas where you can ply your trade,” Domogan said.

EMB: Solon violated laws in excavation of mountain

BAGUIO CITY – Rep. NicasioAliping Jr. has admitted to excavation activities on the mountain leading to his family property in Santo Tomas, Tuba, Benguet, according to the Environment Management Bureau.

Aliping was linked to the massive destruction of a portion of the Mount Sto. Tomas forest reservation which he has insisted to be his claim.

He  is now questioning investigating agencies on why he is being singled out in the filing of a number of administrative and criminal charges against him in relation to the destruction of the environmentally critical area.

EMB public information officer Susan Nisperos, said Thursday Aliping admitted to the excavation activities during Monday’s technical conference called by the agency of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.

As such, Nisperos said Aliping had violated Section IV of Presidential Decree 1586 known as the Philippine Environmental Impact Statement ((EIS) System relative to his excavation project which was implemented without the necessary permit, like the Environment Compliance Certificate (ECC).

It led to the destruction of the water source of the Baguio Water District (BWD), she said.

Aliping, who committed to stop such activities and pay the appropriate penalties, reportedly also admitted that his application for a permit with the municipal government of Tuba was denied.

Aliping,, in an interview with reporters inside his office late Wednesday afternoon, said land development activities within his 28,885-square meter claim within the forest reservation was just contributory to the reported massive destruction of the environment in the area that has polluted the Amlian river and the shutdown of the three springs of the Baguio Water District (BWD) serving as one of the major sources of potable water supply for almost 30 percent of the population of the city.

“Why only me?  was the question raised by Aliping to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and EMB which are handling the cases of violation of the provisions of Presidential Decree (PD) 705 now pending with the Benguet prosecutor’s office and violation of PD 1586 pending with the EMB-CAR, respectively.

He said aside from his land development activities within his claim, other environmentally destructive activities within the Mount Sto. Tomas forest reservation are the reported small-scale mining operations, massive expansion of commercial vegetable farms by the people living in the villages and the road development of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) leading to the different telecommunication relay stations within the reservation.

Aliping said he was being reportedly singled out in the environmental destruction charges because of his current position as his actuations should be based on norms and conduct of a public official.

Aliping used as a basis of his defense a letter dated 13 May 2014 of Engr. Salvador Royeca, BWD general manager, addressed to Tuba Mayor Florencio Bentres, where he detailed that the land development of the lawmaker was just one of the contributory factors causing the pollution of the Amlian river and the springs because of the unabated dumping of debris within parts of the water impounding facilities.

Aliping and three property developers are being linked to the felling of over 1,000 assorted trees and saplings and the massive excavation works within the forest reservation for the put up of a road leading to his supposed property which is being planned to be converted into an eco-park.

He admitted introducing improvements within his claim but repeatedly denied knowledge about the road development works leading to his claimed property where the felled trees and saplings were planted.

Aliping also blamed his still unidentified project engineer for his alleged wrong decisions in the land development of his claim that resulted to him being blamed for the illegal cutting of trees and massive excavation works of the road in the area and that he had already fired his employee.

He claimed the units of heavy equipment seen working in the area were borrowed from contractors, BLC Construction and Aggregates, RUA Aquino Construction and Development and Goldrich Construction.

Paquito Moreno, DENR-CAR regional director, denied insinuations of Aliping that the agency has not done anything to stop the small-scale mining and commercial vegetable farm expansions within the 3,000-hectare Mount Sto. Tomas forest reservation that was decalred as an environmentally critical area in July 1940.

“The problem in Mount Sto. Tomas is complex but we have initially done a thorough investigation of existing works in the area that resulted to the submission of a forest land use plan to the Tuba municipal government for consideration,” Moreno stressed.

Moreno said the DENR-CAR is simply awaiting the appropriate action of the Tuba municipal council on the pending proposed forest land use plan because the local government has to approve the same and provide the necessary inputs in order to improve the implementation of the plan.

“Our investigation has already bee in place but it was overtaken by events, especially when the issue on the massive tree cutting and illegal excavation works of Aliping had been exposed by the media,” Moreno said.

During the excavation, some two months ago, around a thousand trees were reportedly cut for a project which led to outcry from concerned Baguio and Benguet residents and officials.

Charges have already been filed against Aliping and three contractors for this.

The Baguio congressman has yet to answer allegations filed against him in court for illegal logging among others as he filed a motion for extension to answer such charges.  – With a report from Dexter See

Mt Prov LGUs, folks urged: Report erring contractors

By Pamela F. Dungala

BONTOC, Mountain Province – Local folks and officials were urged by the provincial Highways office here last week to inform the latter even through text messages of projects and activities of contractors which they deemed not conforming to standards.

Mountain Province District Engineering Office officials bared this as they activated  monitoring committees of local government units of the province through an orientation-workshop at the MPDEO on July 17.

This would strengthen monitoring of infrastructure projects through participation of the community which is also a kick-off of the Re-Entry Project (ReP) of the MPDEO.

The ReP entitled “Strengthening the monitoring of infrastructure projects in Mountain Province through community participation” is a requirement of the Public Management Development Program (PMDP) of the National Government’s Career Executive Service Development Program, through Charles C. Sokoken, assistant district engineer.

This project is also aligned with the DPWH’s accomplishments specifically “Enhanced citizen’s participation in governance” through closer project inspection and monitoring of infrastructure projects.

In his message, District Engineer Wilbur Likigan encouraged participants to activate their monitoring bodies.

Being beneficiaries of these infrastructure projects, it is hoped that we involve ourselves in the monitoring of these projects, Likigan said.

Further, MLGOO Nena Simongo of DILG-Tadian cited provisions of Executive Order No. 93 series of 1993 and DILG Memorandum Circular 2004-78 stipulating each LGU should create a local project monitoring committee to monitor implementation of all national and local projects within their areas.

Participants were oriented on basics of pre-detailed engineering, construction methods and techniques, quality standards and specifications and road network maintenance activities.

Meanwhile, Sokoken, project manager of the ReP said he is thankful for the cooperation of the members of the provincial project monitoring committee (PPMC), municipal project monitoring committees (MPMCs) and LGUs.

The pilot project for the ReP will be the CY 2014 rehabilitation/reconstruction/upgrading project along  Dantay-Sagada National Road which was just started, Sokoken said.

Jeep figures in Pinukpuk accident: 4 killed, 1 critically hurt inTabuk road mishap

TABUK CITY, Kalinga -- Four people were killed while one was critically injured following a head on collision between a tricycle loaded with students and a speeding passenger van along the provincial road of the village of Appas here evening of July 13.

Supt. Francisco Bulwayan, city police chief identified the fatalities as tricycle driver Marco Tamayo and his passengers Michael Bactad, JomelLacuarta and AbegailBelgica.

In critical condition at the Kalinga Provincial Hospital was Shanee Mae Belgica the latter's sister.

Reports said the white van driven by a certain Kerubin Winnie Banosan was overtaking another vehicle when he collided with the tricycle of the victims on the opposite lane.

Police said the collision detached the tricycle's sidecar from the motorcycle and were both thrown on a ricefield after being dragged almost 40 meters from the point of impact since the van did nor reduce speed or stop.

Witnesses took the van's plate number as BVS 594 and was later known to be registered to a certain Lydia Sipsip.

Authorities have placed the van driver under manhunt after he fled from the site.

“Our police operatives are now conducting manhunt operation against the driver who fled,” said Senior Supt. Victor Wanchakan, Kalinga Police Provincial Office director, referring to Kerubin.

Wanchakan said probers have a witness from a single motorcycle tailing the victims’ tricycle, who claimed that the van had veered to the opposite lane to overtake a Pajero when it rammed into the tricycle.

Earlier, three people were hurt after their passenger jeep overturned in the mountainous village of Limos, Pinukpuk, Kalinga. 

Police said driver Vicente Dumag 31 lost control of the steering wheel while negotiating downhill of a loosely graveled road before it overturned.

Hurt were Dumag and his passengers Jinky Palangdao 26, a midwife; and Emilda Agustin 47.

Igorot cop int’l mixed martial arts winner cited by PNP

CAMP DANGWA, La Trinidad Benguet -- Crisanto G. Pitpitunge, an Igorot mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter, was awarded by top regional police brass here for winning the Pacific Xtreme Combat (PXC) International Fight via unanimous decision 30-27 against Saipan’s Josh Duenas on July 27, 2014 in Guam, USA.

Cordillera police director Chief Supt. IsaganiNerez, pinned the MedalyangKasanayan to Police Officer 1 Pitpitunge, 27, a native of Kapangan, Benguet, a Criminology graduate from the University of the Cordilleras.

Pitpitunge is now assigned at the Regional Public Safety Battalion (RPSB).

Nerez said Pitpitunge was awarded for “demonstrating high sense of hard work and determination to excel and win in his fight against Saipan’s MMA fighter. His triumph in the field of mixed martial arts showcased PRO-Cordillera’s expertise in combat sports and in promoting healthy lifestyle and fitness.”

Pitpitunge is now holder of the No. 1 contender in flyweight division and was a bantamweight MMA champion in the Pacific Xtreme Combat (PXC) last year.

 He started as gold medalist playing Wushu in the Local and National Games since 2008 under Baguio Benguet Educational Athlete League (BBEAL).

After a year, he enhanced his skills by joining Team Lakay and played mixed martial arts in the Universal Reality Combat Challenge (URCC) garnering 6 wins and 3 losses.

In wushu competitions, he won 2 gold and a silver medal and awarded  Athlete of the year by the University of Cordilleras.

 Determined to excel in sports, he entered the police service on July 2, 2012 when he won as bantamweight champion and awarded as Fighter of the Year by Kafagway Awards.

 Nerez proudly pitpitunge for his remarkable achievement, wherein he exemplified the true  value of sportsmanship worthy of praise by his colleagues in the service.

He said Pitpitunge will be a motivation to other police fighters to excel in their field of expertise.

3 Pangasinan execs axed for payroll padding

MANGALDAN, Pangasinan – For payroll padding, the Civil Service Commission (CSC) has dismissed from government service this town’s accountant, treasurer and her assistant.

In a 33-page decision issued last June 26 and signed by CSC-Region 1 director Nestor Sarmiento, municipal accountant Evelyn Bernabe, municipal treasurer Susana Bauzon and assistant municipal treasurer Marilyn Gonzales were found guilty of grave misconduct.

Gonzales, according to CSC, committed irregularities in preparing padded checks while Bernabe and Bauzon tolerated it by failing to perform their duties of safeguarding the finances of the municipal government.

The CSC said the failure of Bernabe and Bauzon to notice the irregularities in several payrolls for several months is highly inexcusable, making the agency conclude that they indeed knew such wrongdoing but did not do anything to prevent them.

“Millions were unlawfully taken from government funds and substantial evidence point to the three respondents as the persons responsible,” the CSC said.

“Public service requires utmost integrity and strictest discipline… Respondents clearly failed to observe this exacting standard in the case herein,” it added.

Gonzales, according to the CSC, encashed the padded checks that she had prepared, and that the excess amounts were not duly accounted for or liquidated.

Gonzales, in her comment on Sept. 7, 2012, claimed that she “acted only upon the instructions of my superior officers to perform such task.”

“That although the charges against us are generally true, I have acted however under a strong impulse of an uncontrollable fear of my superior officers…,” she added.

For her part, Bernabe said that as far as she knew, it was solely Gonzales who had the duty to prepare and encash checks and she had no hand in this.

Bauzon, meanwhile, said she neither acquiesced to nor concurred with Gonzales’ wrongdoing of padding the payroll checks.

But the CSC said it found it hard to believe that Bernabe and Bauzon “were not able to notice such alterations perpetrated in several payrolls for almost every month in 2011 and the early months of 2012.”

The CSC said it is convinced that the two knew the irregularities committed by Gonzales “but simply closed their eyes.” 

The formal charge against the three Mangaldan officials stemmed from a complaint filed in May 2012 before the CSC regional office by the late mayor Herminio Romero based on a notice of disallowances.

2 ex-soldiers charged in slay of vice mayor’s brod

TUGUEGARAO CITY , Cagayan – Police have filed murder charges before the Department of Justice against two former Army soldiers for the July 3 killing of a village councilman-brother of the vice mayor of Pamplona, Cagayan.

Senior Supt. Gregorio Lim, Cagayan police director, withheld identities of the two suspects who allegedly gunned down Barangay Cabaggan councilman Edmund Ifurung, younger brother of Vice Mayor Edwin Ifurung.

According to police reports, the younger Ifurung was resting in front of his gasoline station when two of three ski mask-wearing men alighted from a motorcycle and fired at him several times with .45-caliber pistols.

Ifurung died from 13 bullet wounds, and his killers took his .45-caliber pistol before fleeing, police said.

Two helpers at the gasoline station recognized the killers but refused to cooperate with investigators, as they feared for their safety because the gunmen are believed to be “henchmen” of a “big personality,” said Senior Insp. Mario Tuliao, Pamplona police chief.

Tuliao said Ifurung had been cleared of alleged involvement in drug trafficking and gun-for-hire activities before he was absorbed in the police and military intelligence communities.

Tuliao said they were looking into Ifurung’s latest tussle with a Chinese black sand mining company from which he seized supposedly hot timber being used to construct its office in his jurisdiction.

SenTrillanes backs Cordillera thrust: Autonomy pressed in 27th CAR founding anniversary

BANGUED, Abra -- Top Cordillera officials pushed for regional autonomy as Cordillera Month kicked off here Tuesday even as President Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III declared July 15 a special non-working holiday in the Cordillera Administrative Region in commemoration of its 27th founding anniversary.

Proclamation No. 795 signed by Executive Secretary Paquito N. Ochoa, Jr. by authority of President Aquino stated that regular classes and work in private and government sectors in Abra, Apayao, Baguio City, Benguet, Ifugao, Kalinga and Mountain Province be suspended on the day so Cordillerans could celebrate the founding anniversary of the region.

This, as Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV said he is supporting Cordillera autonomy hoping a third attempt will be successful.

Speaking at the 27th Cordillera Day celebration last Tuesday, Trillanes urged national and local government officials to focus on benefits autonomy will bring to Cordillera and its people.

“The officials should strive to unite and show the people that they are one in the goal to make the region autonomous. They should show how important it is to the region and what benefits will be derived by becoming autonomous,” Trillanes said.

Apart from exemplifying unity among the region’s six provinces and two cities, the senator said there is a constitutional provision which provides there shall be two autonomous regions -- one for Mindanao and the other for Cordillera.

“Based on my initial study and consultation, autonomy would benefit the people in terms of resources and economic progress. I give my support to the autonomy,” Trillanes said.

The Cordillera Administrative Region was established during the term of former President Corazon C. Aquino, mother of the incumbent President in 1987 when she was exercising both executive and legislative powers under the former revolutionary government.

“It is but fitting and proper that the people of CAR be given full opportunity to celebrate and participate in the occasion with appropriate ceremonies,” Ochoa said.

This, as Milagros Rimando, regional director of the Cordillera office of the National Economic Development Authority and vice chairperson of the Regional Development Council, said the “unity gong” went back to Abra on Tuesday after it was taken to all Cordillera provinces as a symbol of aspiration for regional autonomy. 

“The gong is commonly used by the different tribes in the CAR which is usually used in celebrations and rituals that is why it is now used to symbolize the unity of the Cordillerans towards the common goal of achieving autonomy in the future,” she said.

The theme of this year’s 27th CAR founding anniversary was “Boosting the economic competitiveness of the Cordillera for ASEAN 2015.”

The creation of the CAR was an offshoot of the historic “sipat” or peace agreement signed between former President Aquino and the late Catholic priest turned rebel leader ConradoBalweg of the Cordillera People’s Liberation Army (CPLA) at the Mount Data Hotel in Bauko, Mountain Province on Sept. 13, 1986.

Section 15 to 21, Article X of the Philippine Constitution declares the establishment of autonomous regions in Muslim Mindanao and the Cordillera in recognition of the inability of the government to spur the economic growth of the two regions  being left behind in terms of growth.

President Aquino then issued Executive Order No. 220 on July 15, 1987 creating the CAR composed of the provinces of Abra, Benguet, Mountain Province and Baguio City from Region I and the provinces of Ifugao, Kalinga and Apayao from Region II. The CAR was aimed at administering the affairs of government in the region, to help accelerate the socio-economic growth of the concerned local governments and to prepare the region for autonomy.

Philippine Military Academy 2014 entrance exam for applicants open

FORT DEL PILAR, Baguio City --  The  Philippine Military Academy(PMA)  is again  opening its doors to qualified individuals who have  the potential to become part of the Cadet Corps Armed Forces of the Philippines and later on serve   as  among the leaders of  the Armed Forces of the Philippines.

Qualified to apply  are  natural born Filipino citizen, single and  never been married nor pregnant nor have a legal obligation to support a child or children, must be  born from April 1, 1993 to April 1, 1998, and at least  high school graduate.

High school students younger than 17 years old but at least 16 years old on April 1, 2015 may take the  entrance examination  but will be processed for admission once he reaches the age of 17.

Applicants may submit their application through regular mail or courier services. They may also take advantage of the online application through the academy’s website. Walk in applicants with complete documents may take the examination as long as there are sufficient examination booklets. Deadline for application is on July 25, 2014.

The PMA entrance exam is set on August 3, 2014. The academy will be putting up 37 testing centers   at the following areas:  Manila, Quezon City, Baguio City, Laoag City, Dagupan City, Bontoc, Mountain Province; Bayombong, Nueva Viscaya; Tuguegarao City, Cabanatuan City, Tarlac City, Pampanga’s City of San Fernando, Calapan City, Lipa City, Puerto Princesa City, Lucena City, Legaspi City, Naga City, Bacolod City, Iloilo City, Kalibo, Aklan, Cebu City, Dumaguete City, Tagbilaran City , Catbalogan City, Tacloban City, Zamboanga City, Butuan City, Cagayan De Oro City, OZamis City, Davao City, General Santos City, Tacurong City, Iligan City, Cotabato City, Jolo, Basco, and Bongao,Tawi-Tawi.

The PMA Entrance Examination aims to measure the mental ability of applicants in the areas of Math (Algebra and Geometry), English (Grammar, Composition, and Reading and Comprehension) and Abstract Reasoning (verbal and numerical reasoning and pattern analysis). 

DPWH: No hand in Ilocos offshore dredging permits

CAOAYAN, Ilocos Sur  - You are barking up the wrong tree.

The Department of Public Works and Highways has given this message to those asking it to cancel the dredging permits issued to 13 vessels doing offshore dredging in Caoayan.

In a statement, Secretary Rogelio Singson said the issuance of offshore dredging or mining permits “is not within the mandate” of his department. 

In a letter last June 10, National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) director Virgilio Mendez told Singson that Fr. Albert Rabe and Sister Lilian Carranza of the Archdiocese of Nueva Segovia in Vigan, Ilocos Sur had disclosed that for several years, 13 vessels have been engaged in offshore dredging in Puro, Caoayan town, which they said endangers the lives, livelihood and property of the locals.

Rabe and Carranza were asking the DPWH to cancel the dredging permits.

But Singson clarified that offshore dredging or mining is not his agency’s responsibility, as its mandate concerns the dredging of inland channels and waterways such as rivers, creeks, canals, and lakes being done by the government or contractors. 

It is also the standard protocol for DPWH to coordinate with the concerned local government units of any dredging, and in most cases, a memorandum of agreement is signed.

In compliance with the request of NBI-Vigan City, DPWH Region 1 director Melanio Briosos reported that they only provided assistance in hauling the processed magnetite back into the sea.

Briosos said dredged materials, amounting to some 36,000 metric tons, were scattered back along the shoreline in Caoayan town.

24 Bagwis awards given to Cordillera Region biz traders

By Art Tibaldo

A total of twenty four Bagwis awardees from selected establishments in the Cordillera region were conferred by the Department of Trade and Industry with bronze, silver and gold Bagwis labels.

Five establishments from Bangued, Abra namely, Jeca Emission Testing Center, Smart Car Clinic, Masing Commercial Trading, New Commercial Trading and Coronet Aquino Grocery were recognized by DTI-Abra with Silver Bagwis Awards while Virgilio Balderas Gen. Mdse., Snooks Commercial and Bade Hardware & Electrical Supply were given the Bronze Bagwis Awards. Provincial Director Arrel Banes of DTI-Abra together with DTI-CAR Director Myrna P. Pablo conferred the Bagwis award and labels during a ceremony at the Abra Valley Hotel that also coincided with the kick-off day of Cordillera Month.

In Baguio City and La Trinidad Benguet, all the eighteen Seven Eleven stores that were given Silver labels early this year received their Gold Bagwis Award during the establishment’s special anniversary held at the Seven Eleven store at the Techno Hub in Camp John Hay. DTI Baguio-Benguet

Provincial Director Freda M. Gawisan said that the DTI Bagwis Award is given to establishments that practice fair business and uphold the rights and welfare of consumers.

Pablo added that the DTI Bagwis Award Program aims to give due recognition to establishments that upholds the rights of consumers and practice responsible business where consumers get the value of their money.

The DTI officials further explained during the awarding rites that the issuance of Bagwis Awards to business establishments is meant to encourage the setting up of sustainable consumer welfare desks or customer service counters that provides assistance to consumers and serves as a mechanism for speedy resolution of consumer complaints. 

PNOC firm builds 1-MW hydropower plant in Ecija

RIZAL, Nueva Ecija  – Renewables Corp. of the Philippine National Oil Co. (PNOC) started last week construction of a one-megawatt hydropower plant here.

PNOC Renewables president and chief executive officer Carlos Jose Gatmaitan referred to the project, located in Barangay Poblacion, as the Rizal Pampanga River irrigation system main canal hydropower, but he did not disclose its cost.

Last February, the PNOC and the National Irrigation Administration (NIA) signed an agreement on the project that is expected to be operational by mid-2015.

“The groundbreaking of this hydropower plant is a concrete example of how coordination, proper facilitation, and obligation can do to advance our communal objective. For some, a one-megawatt facility is a minute solution to our ballooning energy demand and challenges. I beg to disagree,” Energy Secretary Carlos Jericho Petilla said in a statement read by Renewable Energy Management Bureau chief Mario Marasigan during the project’s groundbreaking.

Petilla said, “We need to understand that no matter how small power facilities are, they exist for a purpose that is altruistic and noble.”

Rizal Mayor Rafaelito Andres expressed hope that the plant would lower electricity cost in his town.

Petilla said another hydropower project in Nueva Ecija is in the pipeline along the NIA’s Super Diversion Canal Lateral C in the Science City of Muñoz.

PNOC Renewables is the primary vehicle of the government in promoting and developing new and renewable energy sources to boost the country’s level of energy self-sufficiency.

It is developing 365 MW of potential renewable energy capacity either on its own or with public or private sector partners.

In a related development in Lingayen, Pangasinan, provincial resolutions 677-2014 and 678-2014 have been passed, authorizing Pangasinan Gov. Amado T. Espino Jr. to enter into an agreement with Team Sual Corporation (TSC) and San Roque Power Corporation (SRPC) in connection with the advance payment of real property taxes of the two facilities for the years 2015 and 2016. The resolutions passed by the Provincial Board accepts the offer of TSC and SRPC to pay in advance the 2015 and 2016 realty taxes on the power plant and related facilities and machineries of the Sual Coal-Fired Plant and San Roque Power Plant. -- With a report from Liezle BasaIñigo

Bontoc mayor orders drive vs violence of women, kids

By Desiree Sokoken

BONTOC, Mountain Province -- Mayor Franklin Odsey ordered drive against violence of women and children through establishment of a desk officer in every barangay of this capital town to address the problem.

Through Executive Order No. 17, series of 2014, Odsey directed all punong barangays to designate “violence against women desk” in barangay buildings desks, and appoint an officer who is trained in gender-sensitive handling of cases.

“We hope that with a VAW desk put in place in every barangay, cases of VAW in our municipality would be lessened, if not totally eliminated,” Mayor Odsey said.

“VAW victims ought to know that they have a way out, in the same way that VAW perpetrators should know that the force of law is working against them,” Odsey said.

Fe Toyokan, head of the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office said because the VAW desk is made more accessible to clients, it will be easier for concerned individuals to report VAW incidents.

“Necessary services would be provided more immediately,” Toyokan said.

According to Toyokan, two VAW cases were reported to their office in 2013, while two cases were reported as of June 2014.

Odsey said that E.O. No. 17 is in accordance with the provisions of R.A. 9710 or the Magna Carta of Women, R.A. 9262 or the Anti-Violence against Women and their Children Act of 2004, and Joint Memorandum Circular 2010-02 dated December 9, 2010 of the Departments of the Interior and Local Government, Social Welfare and Development, Health, Education, and the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW).

The VAW officer is responsible for responding to gender-based violence cases brought to the barangay, assisting victims of VAW in securing Barangay Protection Orders (BPO) and accessing necessary services, developing the barangay’s gender-responsive plan in addressing gender-based violence, addressing other forms of abuse committed against women, and leading advocacies on the elimination of VAW in the community.

The VAW officer shall preferably be a woman barangay kagawad or woman barangay tanod. However, in cases where there are no trained personnel, the Punong Barangay is mandated to ensure that the person assigned shall undergo basic gender sensitivity training and orientation on anti-VAW laws.


Sagada laborer hacked to death, assailant charged with murder 
SAGADA, Mountain Province -- A laborer in the southern barangay of this town was hacked to death by a co-laborer in Sitio Mabisil Suyo leading to murder charges filed against the accused. 

Police reports said a certain Marcelo Langagan, 33,went  to a  construction camp at Mabisil  to have a drinking  spree  with co-laborers  around 7:30 pm on July 13. 

Around  9 p.m. that night, fellow laborer Erwin Copa,35, joined the group of Langagan.

Copa and Langagan were left outside the camp by 12 midnight while others went to sleep.

After an hour, co-laborer Rommel Tindowen heard commotion outside and saw Langagan hacking Copa lying on the ground.

Said incident was brought to the attention of localpolice.

Police officer Johnny Paleyan received a phone call of the hacking incidentthat transpired around midnight  of July 13 at Mabisil which led police to proceed to the site.

Police found the body of Copa lying on the ground with hack wounds  on the head, face, arms and body.

The body was brought to St. Theodore’s Hospital.

For fear of being harmed by the relatives of his victim, suspect surrendered to Sagada police station accompanied by Winston Latawan.

The accused Langagan is now detained at the Bureau of Jail Management  andPenology and charges of murder were filed against him at the  Provincial Prosecutor’s Office by the Sagada Police led by chief of police Benedict Gangaoen. -- Gina Dizon 

Abra councilor, houseboy, face raps for illegal guns
PENARUBIA, Abra--  A municipal councilor here and his houseboy are now in jail following issuance of warrant for their arrest by Judge Raphiel F Alzate, presiding judge of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 1, in Bangued, Abra for violation of Republic Act 10591 or the “Comprehensive Firearms and Ammunition Regulation Act.”

Peñarubia police and Criminal Investigation and Detection Group elements led by Senior Inspectors Geron Padong Managtag and Angelito Mendoza Dangli Jr. arrested Valeriano Valera Damasen Jr., 52 owner of the house and his houseboy Michael Fontanilla Bagno, 53, both residence of said place.

Confiscated from them was a shotgun loaded with four bullets and magazine for M16 rifle loaded with 13 bullets.

The search was done in the presence of barangay chairwoman Eufrecina D. Soriaga and kagawad Zenaida A.  Manilao.

Drunk man hacks uncle, wife; lands in jail
KABUGAO, Apayao -- An intoxicated man was arrested for hacking his uncle and aunt who was trying to pacify the suspect who was quarrelling with his father here in Barangay Luttuacan night of July 13.

The suspect identified as Terenz Udlao Tayaman, 28, surrendered to punong barangay Paterno Amid in Barangay Badduat in the town after knowing police was hunting him.  

His victims, Duque Tayaman and Clara Bidoc Tayaman were brought to Apayao Provincial District Hospital, Kabugao where Clara was pronounced dead on arrival.  

Kabugao Police Station recovered the two bolos used in the crime.

Driver seized for trying to stab brod-in-law
BAGUIO CITY -- A driver was also seized for beating and trying to stab his brother-in-law along M-Roxas St., Imelda Village Barangay here morning of July 12.
The victim, Felizardo PranillosSamaniego, 62, confided that they had been pacified from an earlier argument but the suspect, Julius Abraham Marzan Serrano, 50, driver, a resident of Ambiong, La Trinidad, Benguet, chased him.  

Patrolling policemen of Police Station-3 quickly disarmed and arrested Serrano.
DPWH guard threatens to kill mechanic; nabbed
BAGUIO CITY -- Police arrested a security guard named Angelo Austero De Castro, 22,  for punching and threatening to kill with a knife a certain Bonifacio Binoya Ganaba, 56, driver/mechanic.
Both are Department of Public Works and Highways workers and billeted at DPWH Cottage, Upper Engineers Hill here.

The victim allegedly spread a negative rumor about the suspect which angered the latter.

Miners forcibly enter Baguio bar; take coins
BAGUIO CITY -- Two miners were arrested inside the Apsulan Bar, Baguio Garden, Dagohoy St. Baguio City Monday morning for forcibly entering the bar and taking the bag of coins amounting to P390 which was later recovered hidden inside the comfort room.

Responding policemen  apprehended the suspects who were named as Daniel Bua-eg Domingo a.k.a Domingo Bua-eg Ayengan, 21,  and Fred Yap-ingew Olban, 20, both natives of Bauko, Mountain Province residing in Antamok, Itogon, Benguet.

Woman who took cell phone located through call
LA TRINIDAD, Benguet -- A woman identified as Myrna KitmaPayas, 46, resident of Barangay Pacdal, Baguio was also nabbed for taking the cell phone of the cashier inside the Wellness Center at the 2nd floor of Herbcely Building, Km 4, Pico, La Trinidad, Benguet Monday morning.

Accordingly, the victim Nora YucmosWakit had been ringing her phone since it was lost until the suspect answered her call.

The arrest was made possible through an entrapment operation conducted by La Trinidad police. 

Recovered from possession of the suspect were only the SIM and cell phone memory gadget.

Toothpaste lands man in jail
LA TRINIDAD, Benguet – Police arrested ConradoDela Cruz Austria, 49, vegetable porter, native of Sta. Maria, Pangasinan and a resident of Brookside, Aurora Hill, Baguio City.

Gina Mae Dao-ey, cashier of JKA Convenience Store, at Km 4, Balili here called police early morning of July 12 after she recognized the suspect as the one who earlier got items from the establishment.

She called police after she asked the security guard to frisk Austria,.  

Recovered from the arrested suspect’s possession were assorted colgate in the suspect’s jacket.

Farmer provokes trouble with shotguns; nabbed
TAYUM, Abra –A farmer identified as Rolando Tubaña Siobal, 54, was arrested in his residence at Barangay Cabaroan here July 11 for provoking trouble using his gun.

SPO4 Ferdinand B. Astudillo and his men confiscated two shotguns placed in a sack which the suspect tried to hide upon arrival of the police.

Siobal and the firearm were now under the custody of the police while a case for illegal guns was filed against him.

Bocap turns over grenade to cops
PIDIGAN, Abra -- Barangay captain Excel Sanidad  turned in a hand grenade as witnessed by his wife, sangunniangbayan member Pinky Sanidad July 13 at their residence here in Barangay Alinaya during a visit by police. 

Gambling materials, cash confiscated
BAGUIO CITY -- Gambling paraphernalia for “drop ball” game and P370 cash were confiscated by cops in an e establishment here along Hilltop Road night of July 12 by elements of the Intelligence Unit and Police Station-7.

No bettors were seen during the raid including the owner known only as “Nardo”.

Farmer arrested for keeping illegal drugs
SALLAPADAN, Abra -- Police Chief Insp. Lou Salvador A. Claro led Intelligence personnel of the Abra and Regional Office, Provincial Anti-Illegal Drug Special Operations Task Group, Provincial Public Safety Company and members of the Sallapadan Police Station in arresting Joel Reyes Blanzaa.k.a “Pittong” in his residence here in Salideng, Sacaang afternoon of July 10 for possession of prohibited drugs.

Judge Raphiel F. Alzate of the Regional Trial Court Branch 58, in Bucay, Abra, issued the search warrant while barangay officials headed by barangay captain Kathryn Grace Cardenas and a media representative witnessed the search.  Confiscated were five sachets containing shabu.

4 men caught transporting lumber in Luna, Apayao 
 LUNA, Apayao -- Four men transporting lumber in Sitio Bayugao, here were arrested night of July 8.

Through test message of concerned citizen, police of the Apayao Provincial Public Safety Company intercepted a private vehicle loaded with 30 pieces of tanguile lumber.
The vehicle was driven by Allan BaroñaUmayam, a resident of Barangay San Isidro Sur here with three passengers identified as Joel Marcos, 37, kagawad of Barangay Turod; Dencio Jacinto, 25, farmer; and Arnold Gardote, 33, widow, farmer, and all residents of Turod.

The occupants failed to present documents for transport of lumber that led to their arrest and the seizure of the vehicle and the lumber which were turned over to town Environment officers for disposition.

Carnapped motorcycle recovered in Buguias
BUGUIAS, Benguet – Local police recovered a carnapped Honda motorcycle of Aram Tabacla Awisan, 20, a resident of Barangay Bangao, Buguias here July 9 at around 9 a.m. along the road toward Mount Data Hotel, Barangay Sinto.

Cops trace ‘thief’s’ footprints; construction materials recovered
LUBUAGAN, Kalinga -- A farmer identified as Randy Dangangao, 23, was arrested here for stealing allegedly stealing materials at construction site here in Sitio Callagdao, Purok 6 early morning of July 9.

Construction workers reportedly left the site leaving construction materials unattended and discovered the following day some were missing.

Police tracked down foot prints of the suspect which led to the construction house in the Employees Village,inPurok 6, Bulanao,  where they discovered the stolen 27 pieces of steel bars; 5 pieces sawn lumber; iron nails placed in plastic bag, 2 cooking pots and one kettle.

Woman nabbed for theft of jewelry
BAGUIO CITY -- A woman named Marilyn De Guzman, 54 of Lingayen, Pangasinan and resident at No. 48 Cypress Irisan here was apprehended for allegedly stealing jewelry inside the General Merchandize Accessories/School Supplies, at Damoco Building, Lower Magsaysay Avenue here morning of July 9.

Reports said De Guzman was confronted by the saleslady of the store who found eight necklaces and three fancy bracelet jewelry worth P1,190 inside the suspect’s bag.  

Responding policemen of Station 7 arrested the suspect.

Illegal logs confiscated in Cordillera PNP drives
CAMP DANGWA, La Trinidad, Benguet – Illegal lumber worth P82,000 were recently confiscated by police in  different provinces of the region.

In Benguet, P24, 630 worth of lumber was found by personnel of the 3rd Maneuver Company of the Regional Public Safety Battalion abandoned along a mountainside while pine lumber worth P10,602 was found at the  boundary of Bacarri, Paracelis, Mt. Province and Calaccad, Tabuk City, Kalinga.

In Mankayan, Benguet, cops recovered pine lumber worth P14,028 piled along the road in Bayoyo, Tabio of the town after this was reported by a concerned citizen.

In Apayao, provincial police headed by Senior Supt. Robert Gallardo scored against illegal logging operations following the  confiscation of P58,000 worth of lumber.  

Flora town police and Department of Environment and Natural Resources personnel recovered tangili lumber worth P5,852 at Dacao, Lower Atok.Personnel of Flora MPS and 77th IB of the Philippine Army also confiscated assorted lumber of tanguile, red lawan, and mayapis worth 52,150 pesos in Marimay, Mallig, Flora.

Following these, regional police director Isagani Nerez said,  “incidents of illegal logging in Cordillera region are steadily going down owing it to the intensive police and military campaign which prompt timber poacher and smugglers to pause and think twice of their illegal activities”.

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