Anti-terror bill

>> Tuesday, June 16, 2020


Malacañang on Tuesday received a copy of the anti-terrorism bill which is now up for President Rodrigo Duterte’s signature, presidential spokesman Harry Roque said. This amid growing opposition to the bill nationwide.
In a virtual press conference earlier in the day, Roque said Duterte has 30 days to act on the legislation, or else it will lapse into law. “We have a 30-day period to review, either to veto or to sign the bill. Otherwise, if the President does not act on it, it will become law,” he said.
Roque acknowledged the growing opposition to the new law, saying it is the President’s decision if the measure would be beneficial to the people’s protection or not. “That will undergo a process. The provisions will be reviewed and if there is anything unconstitutional, the President will be advised if he should veto it or not,” Roque said.
Justice Secretary Menardo Guevarra said Duterte is likely to wait for his department to review the measure, adding his department aims to submit its comments on the bill in 15 days.
Roque, addressing critics and detractors, said the measure will have safeguards against human rights abuses. “There are safeguards. First, it is necessary to have a judicial declaration to be classified as a terrorist group,” he said.
He also said law enforcement authorities that abuse the proposed law could face imprisonment of up to 10 years.
Last week, Roque said Duterte will thoroughly review the anti-terrorism bill to ensure that it complies with the 1987 Constitution.
He said Duterte is in no rush to sign the measure meant to add more teeth to the country’s law against terrorism.
Roque also said the anti-terrorism bill would not curtail freedom of speech.
Under the bill, persons who shall threaten to commit terrorism and those who will propose any terroristic acts or incite others to commit terrorism shall suffer imprisonment of 12 years.
Suspected persons can be detained for up to 24 days without a warrant of arrest, compared to only three days under the Human Security Act the bill is designed to replace.
A 60-day surveillance on suspected terrorists can also be conducted by the police or the military, with an allowable 30-day extension.
Video conferencing for the accused and witnesses will also be allowed under the measure.
The Commission on Human Rights will be notified in case of the detention of a suspected terrorist.
The opposition and progressive groups condemned the passage of the measure in the Congress, describing it as an attack on freedom of speech or an avenue for red-tagging.
Catholic Church leaders feared the new anti-terrorism bill threaten the very values of freedom, respect, justice and compassion.
Under the Human Security Act, law enforcers can be fined for wrongfully detaining a person tagged as a terror suspect.
Lawmakers removed such safeguards in the new legislation and authorized surveillance and wire-tapping of any individual on mere suspicion of being an alleged terrorist, even without any evidence of wrongdoing.
The University of the Philippines-Diliman urged the President to veto the bill, saying its provisions contravened the democratic spirit of the 1987 Constitution.
“We note in particular the threat it poses to the freedom of expression, freedom of association, the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty, the right against unlawful arrest and arbitrary detention, our right against unlawful searches and seizures, due process of law, privacy of communications and correspondence, the right to information, and the right not to be subject to an ex-post facto law or bill of attainder,” UP Diliman said.
UP Diliman also expressed concern over the broad but vague and expansive definition of “terrorism,” which could cover all forms of dissent, including lawful protests and criticism.
The Jesuits and the De La Salle Brothers of the Philippines also issued a joint statement opposing the anti-terrorism bill, saying it added to people’s anxiety and fears during a pandemic.
 “Many of the provisions under this bill are couched in language that is sweeping and equivocal as to be easily subject to misinterpretation and abuse. Worrisome are the expanded and vague definitions of a ‘terrorist’; the powers given to the Anti-Terror Council to designate a group as a ‘terrorist group’; the weakening of the protection of one’s privacy and the safeguards against arrests and detention without warrants. Instead of being a measure to protect our people, in the wrong hands, this bill can be used to oppress our people,” the statement read.
Guevarra said they will address the concerns of those opposing the anti-terrorism bill in the crafting of the implementing rules and regulations to prevent abuse of the law or misapplication of its provisions.
Guevarra also said that even if he becomes a member of the Anti-Terrorism Council (ATC) that the law would create, this would not affect the independence of the DOJ’s National Prosecution Service (NPS) in hearing terrorism-related complaints.
The ATC, he said, is essentially a policy making body, while the NPS determines the existence or non-existence of probable cause based on evidence presented before it.
In the House, Assistant Minority Leader and ACT Teachers Rep. France Castro derided what she described as the hasty transmittal of the bill to the Palace.
Castro in a statement also urged President Duterte to heed the people's call to junk the bill and veto it.
"The hasty transmittal of House and Senate Leaders prevents more representatives to withdraw their affirmative vote on the anti-terrorism bill amid public clamor against the said bill," Castro said.
Sen. Risa Hontiveros meanwhile said the new version of the Terror Bill has too many provisions that can and will be used to go after not just terrorists, but critics of the government. “The Terror Bill gives undue discretion to the government to interpret its provisions as it sees fit; introduces severe limitations to various fundamental freedoms, such as the rights against arbitrary detention; and removes safeguards in the old law intended to prevent abuse and corruption. First, the definitions in the Terror Bill are open to too much interpretation. In this case, the Terror Law redefines and expands the definition of “terrorist acts” beyond those that cause widespread death and destruction. Now, terrorism includes acts that damage public property, a public space, or private property, or that interfere with critical infrastructure, if intended for the purpose of, among others, destroying the “fundamental political, economic, or social structures of the country” or creating a public emergency or undermining public safety.”
She said of greater concern, even incitements, threats or proposals are now punished under the bill. “So your post on social media talking about how you’re planning a sit-down protest calling for radical redistribution of the country’s wealth on that critical bit of public infrastructure we like to call a sidewalk? Yes, you are a vile terrorist. Give your friends a copy of Les Miserables or the Communist Manifesto? The possibilities are endless. There is just too much room for interpretation.
Second, while the current law already allows an organization to be proscribed or outlawed, the Terror Bill authorizes the issuance of preliminary orders of proscription prior to an organization being given the opportunity to be heard, thus allowing the immediate seizure of its property and the warrantless arrest and detention of its members, a clear violation of due process. While an organization is allowed to defend itself in Court, considering membership is already illegal, showing up will only get you arrested. This shifts the burden of proof to an organization to prove that it is not engaged in terrorism, while under the handicap of its assets being frozen and its members being arrested left and right. The Terror Law also grants the Anti-Terrorism Council, which is under the direct control of the President, the power to designate persons and organizations as terrorist absent judicial oversight. This means the freezing of their assets.”
She said if a top government official is angry at someone, he could label anybody as a terrorist and the innocent could be taken to jail.
According to concerned groups and individuals, the terror bill would create more terror to the people akin to Martial Law or worse.

Statements of support to Anne Tauli


Alfred P. Dizon

(Hereunder are statements of support to Anne Tauli, 70 who was allegedly branded by State forces as a top officer of the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army and taken by State forces in her hometown of Besao, Mountain Province Thursday and airlifted to Baguio City raising concern among concerned folks. In the
Summer Capital, she denied allegations of being with the CPP-NPA, much more an officer of the communist group).
We, the family of Anne Tauli - 70 years old and the president of the Batil-ang Peypeyan clan, call for vigilance and support from friends and family to ensure that Annie returns home safely.
This morning, she was transported by military helicopter from Besao to Baguio. Annie agreed to go in the company of relatives to clear herself of charges she is being accused of. Relatives had facilitated the process to clear her name. She has been locked down in Besao since the beginning of ECQ.
Annie has long been experiencing threats to her life and security. These threats heightened in March after she was falsely linked to an incident that happened on March 13, wherein three alleged NPA members were killed in a police operation in Baguio City. After this incident, there were reports of a shoot to kill order against her in the allegation that she had escaped from the incident even when she was in Besao the whole time.
There was an attempt to arrest her in March, which forced her to seek sanctuary. She has been under immense threat and pressure since then, which made her decide to clear her name. She is now under the custody of Gen. Esperon and Mayor Magalong in Baguio City and is being processed for travel to Manila for interrogation.
She denies being a member of the NPA and said that there is no reason for her to return to the fold of the law, being a law-abiding citizen. People know her well as an active leader who frequents social gatherings. She has been working to foster community unity in Besao.
We stand by our Manang/Auntie/Lola Annie. We vouch for her integrity as a good-standing member of the community. We call for an end to all false accusations against her immediately. Please help Annie by posting your messages of support.
Here is another statement by members of the Batil-ang Peypeyan clan wherein Anne is a member:
This is a reaction to the media reports that Ms. Anne Margaret A. Tauli is a high-ranking member of the New People’s Army.
Members of the Batil-ang-Peypeyan Clan which traces its roots to Besao, Mt. Province are alarmed at and deeply concerned about the news. Many members are based in Baguio and Benguet and in various parts of the Philippines and overseas.
Annie, as we fondly call her, has been the President of our huge clan. She is well-loved and revered by both the older and younger members of the clan. She regularly visits and spends as much time as she could with the ageing members of our close-knit clan. At the same time, she celebrates with the younger ones when they welcome the birth of children, drink to birthdays, debuts, or wedding anniversaries, or toast to graduations, engagements, promotions, good health, or other blessings. You could say she is the cement that binds the young and old together.
Hence, she was the logical intergenerational choice for President of the Batil-ang-Peypeyan clan. She never missed clan gatherings and meetings in Besao and Baguio which she regularly convened.
And it is not only in clan get-togethers that one may encounter her. For decades, she has always been actively participating in Besao community events whether organized by the “umili” or the municipal government, or whether held in Besao or elsewhere. To us, Igorots, the birth of a child, the wedding of a community member, and the funeral of one of us are community affairs. She has been a constant presence in gatherings like these in both Besao and Baguio. Her visibility in the communities of which she is part belies claims that she is a member of the New Peoples Army. Aside from living a very active public life, she also has a very active social media presence. To our minds, NPA members operate underground and live clandestinely. Our Lola/Aunt/Manang Annie has always had a conspicuous existence. You cannot miss her.
We stand by our Manang/Auntie/Lola Annie. We vouch for her integrity as a good-standing member of the community and as a contributor to its constant progress. We call for an end to all false accusations against her immediately.
(Signed: Members of the Batil-ang Peypeyan Clan)

As Trump melts down, his presidency implodes!

Perry Diaz

Little did President Donald Trump realize that he had reached a turning point of his presidency when, in reaction to the crisis that has engulfed America, he made the comment, “When the looting starts, the shooting starts.”  His comments were reminiscent of the civil rights era in 1968, which was invoked by a white police chief cracking down on protests. Trump claimed that he didn’t know the history behind the racially charged phrase.   
Trump made his remarks in a tweet that said, “I can’t stand back & watch this happen to a great American City, Minneapolis. A total lack of leadership. Either the very weak Radical Left Mayor, Jacob Frey, get his act together and bring the City under control, or I will send in the National Guard & get the job done right.....” 
“....These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Thank you!”
It’s pretty obvious that Trump knew what he was talking about.  He’ll send the National Guard to start shooting looters, right?  But he must have realized he made a big boo-boo saying those words, which he tried to take back but it’s too late.  He just defined his cold-blooded presidency.
He even retweeted a video in which a supporter says, "The only good Democrat is a dead Democrat."  But beyond politicizing the crisis, it began when a Minneapolis police officer and three others murdered an African-American named George Floyd by choking him to death with his knee on Floyd’s neck, which was captured on video by a bystander.  The brutal killing of Floyd ignited mass protests in Minneapolis that spread like wildfire across America.  To date, more than 100 American cities drew angry protesters, now in its ninth day with no end in sight.  And the crowds are growing.
But instead of calming the protesters, Trump threw incendiary fire into the crisis; thus, further aggravating the situation.  On May 31, he announced that he would designate Antifa as a terrorist organization.  
Antifa is short for Anti-Fascist, which is not an organization but a movement comprising of autonomous activist groups that aim to achieve their political objectives through the use of direct action rather than through policy reform. 
It doesn’t have a central leadership but are bound together by the objectives shared by anti-Fascist groups.
On the other hand, Fascism is a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism. The first fascist movement emerged in Italy during World War I before spreading to other European countries.  Fascism in the U.S. is exercised by rightwing and ultranationalist groups such as the White Supremacists, White Nationalists, Alt-Right movement, the far-right Proud Boys, and the Boogaloo Movement or Boogaloo Bois, which foments race war or a Second Civil War.  The Boogaloo Bois are known for wearing Hawaiian or “Aloha” shirts.  There are more than 100 white supremacist groups in the U.S., which grew in numbers during Trump’s presidency.
Benito Mussolini ruled Italy from 1922 until he was deposed in 1945.  He was allied with Adolf Hitler, which formed the Axis during World War II. On April 28, 1945, Mussolini was shot to death by Italian partisans.
Trump has always been suspected of having Fascist tendencies.  But his anti-Antifa declaration last May 31 clearly identifies him as Fascist.  So now, we count among the Fascist leaders in history, Donald Trump, whose affinity with White Supremacists, White Nationalists, and the Ku Klux Klan has always been suspected.  In fact, over a year ago, he declared himself to be a White Nationalist. 
Now that he’s clearly identified with the Fascist anti-Antifa groups, it makes it easier for Americans to identify his true political leaning, that of a Fascist believer and supporter. The fact that he is inclined to designate Antifa groups as terrorists, he aligned himself up with Fascist groups in the U.S., nay the world.
McEnany defends Trump
Trump’s fascist leaning has been defended by his press secretary, Kyleigh McEnany, who made a press statement on June 1,saying: “This president has been very clear that we need law and order in this country. He’s taken extraordinary action, talking about activating the National Guard as we saw happen in Minnesota, criminalizing interstate travel that is geared towards inciting violence, making sure that those individuals are prosecuted, labeling Antifa as a domestic terrorist entity.”
When she was asked why the president hasn’t addressed the nation, she responded: “A national Oval Office address is not going to stop Antifa.  What’s going to stop Antifa is action. And this president is committed to acting on this.”
However, an op-ed in the Washington Post has said, “Trump’s declaration seems impossible to enforce – and not only because there is no mechanism for the president to designate domestic groups as terrorist organizations.  Though Antifa groups exist, Antifa itself is not an organization.”
 The op-ed further states, “Trump is scared and realizes his own impotency when it comes to the protests, so he’s using symbolic declarations that have no force or legality behind them.  A president who refuses to confront that face this nation head on is nothing more than a figurehead.  That alone is reason to replace Donald Trump at the ballot box on November 3.”
Trump then retreated to the White House security bunker amid the demonstration last Friday, May 29, which reminds me when Hitler retreated to his underground bunker in the waning days of World War II.  On April 30, 1945, Hitler and his mistress Eva Braun committed suicide. 
Last May 31, the lights at the White House were turned off as protests grew outside, symbolizing Trump’s abdication as a leader during this national crisis.  This occurs amid a pandemic that was exacerbated by Trump’s lack of preparation and inconsistency.
But as Trump melts down, his presidency implodes!

More sports hubs to open in Baguio

OLYMPIC STANDARD DREAMS. RAJ Constructions and its Korean subcontractor install the electronic timer of the Baguio swimming pool last March 11 before the city was declared under enhanced community quarantine that stopped constructions. Here RAJ Constructions Rowland A. Julian (right) talks with his Korean sub-contractor on the installation of the electronic timer, diving board, and touchpad, while his workers assemble one of the boards. (PNA file photo)
By Pigeon Lobien 

BAGUIO CITY – Sports centers are set to open in Baguio City anytime soon as the city government started inspecting the facilities on Wednesday and where minimum health protocols are set to be observed.
With the inspection of bowling alleys, billiards, and darts halls as well as gyms, aerobics, and yoga centers, more sports-related facilities are set to open nearly three months after the city was declared under community quarantine.
“We will be inspecting the bowling alleys, darts and billiards halls, gyms and other fitness centers with the mayor (Benjamin Magalong) leading us,” said Paul Rillorta of the City Sports Office.
He said the facilities have completed their application for re-opening after the Inter-Agency Task Force (IAFT) for Emerging Disease approved that the establishments could be opened under a modified general community quarantine (MGCQ) starting June 1.
The IATF also has allowed the opening of golf courses, tennis courts, and even swimming pools, on top of the earlier declaration that jogging, walking, running, Zumba, biking, and badminton are also allowed.
Although Baguio’s tennis courts and swimming pool remain close under different circumstances, said Rillorta.
For the Baguio Tennis Club (BTC), which manages the four courts inside the Baguio athletic bowl complex, it has yet to clear issues with the Mayor’s Office.
Representatives of the BTC met with Magalong late May before the city shifted to MGCQ to discuss the possible opening of the courts and thresh out issues with the sports office.
The club took over the management of the courts in the early 70s.
On the other hand, the city’s swimming pool also inside the athletic bowl is yet under refurnishing construction, to include installation of electronic timers, a coating for its floorings as well as the installation of a diving pool at the warm-up pools, solar heating, roofing, enclosures, and improved comfort rooms.
Its completion was postponed when the city was declared under enhanced community quarantine last March 17.
Rillorta said the inspection includes both ten pin and duckpin alleys (smaller pins and balls) with the Puyat Center at the top floor of the Baguio Center Mall (BCM) and the Saint Vincent Bowling Alley at the Saint Vincent Church compound, respectively.
But Puyat is more than a ten pin bowling alley as it also houses a billiard hall and darts corner, an electronic or technically called as soft tip darts that uses computers to check on scores, noted Rillorta. (PNA)

Cordillera athletes’ allowance cut to half

HALF IT IS. Philippine Wushu Team member Daniel Parantac show form in a photoshoot last March. The allowance of national athletes has been cut to half recently, forcing them to tighten their belts to survive. (PNA file photo)
By Pigeon Lobien  

BAGUIO CITY – When national athletes check on their bank accounts using their Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) issued ATM (automatic teller machine) cards with the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) on Wednesday, the usual amount remitted to them by the national sports body will just half of what they usually receive monthly.
“Sa 10 kada buwan namin nakukuha ang allowance namin (It’s on the 10th of every month that we receive our allowance),” said 18-year old Abegail Abad, a member of the Philippine Arnis Team who won a gold in the last Southeast Asian Games (SEAG) in December last year.
It was a difficult decision for the PSC to cut the allowance to half of the national team members who made a rare splash in the biennial meet late last year with a stunning performance that netted the country its second over-all title in the 11-nation sports competitions.
That performance totally overshadowed the 2005 Manila hosted haul of 113 golds, 85 silver, and 93 bronze medals with an unprecedented 149 gold medals of which some 40 gold medals were provided for by Cordillera athletes.
But seven months after a performance worthy of the books and an unprecedented collective athlete of the year citation from the Philippine Sportswriters Association (PSA), now these athletes will be getting a monthly stipend half their worth.
It is a cost-cutting move by the PSC, which was earlier opted to be able to continue giving the athletes their allowance as the bulk of its budget was returned to the national coffers to help in the efforts to stop the spread of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic.
To make matters worse, the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR) stopped all gaming events, thereby losing its source of income, which is also the source of money for the PSC, and the allowance of the athletes.
The PSC had a hard choice to make that also saw the cancellation of major national events like the Philippines National Games (PNG) and the Batang Pinoy for 15 years old and younger athletes.
It also canceled the World Arnis Cali Eskrima Championship slated this month in Cebu City. “Talaga pong sayang yung world arnis at di natuloy (It is really a waste that the world arnis championship did not push through),” said Eza Rai Yalong of the Philippine arnis team, who will see her bank account swell to only half of what it usually receive every 10th of the month.
“The allowance we get form the PSC is really big help,” said Yalong, who along with Abad, Elmer Manlapas, Billy Joel, and Donlee Aliga, who receives a minimum as a class B athlete as a member of the national training pool.
Last month, Yalong said that they received their allowances early. “Good news at maaga namin nakuha allowance at buo pa din [last month] (Good news we received our allowance early and in full),” Yalong told the Philippine News Agency.
Top tier athletes like boxer Nesthy Petecio will see her PHP45,000 monthly stipend cut to half.
Other national athletes who are based here are boxers Josie Gabuco, Aira Villegas, and Olympics bound Irish Magno.
Teener muay Thai athlete Islay Bomogao will also see a reduction of her allowance though she describes it as not as “big” as other athletes, it was put to good use during the last two months when she donated it for relief operations.
“I had so many blessings anyways last year,” said the 19-year older daughter of a Baguio councilor.
PSC chairman William Ramirez said that if things normalize soon, the athletes could receive their allowances in full before the end of the year. (PNA)

No. 3, 1 col

President Du30 not sure on DepEd's distance learning

Just like many parents, President Rodrigo Duterte is doubtful that the country is ready for the Department of Education's (DepEd) distance learning approach during the coronavirus pandemic.
In a recorded address aired on June 5, Duterte once again reiterated his earlier statement that there should be no classes until a COVID-19 vaccine is developed.
"Maghintay ng vaccine (We should wait for the vaccine). Walang vaccine, walang eskwela (No vaccine, no classes). Secretary [Leonor] Briones is insisting that there is an alternative there. She has a very good program for that like teleconferencing. The technology is good. I don't know if we are ready for that," Duterte said.
The President expressed doubts about the country's capability to implement Briones' idea.
"We are talking of students here, it's millions. Mayroon ba siya? (Does she have?) But if she has or if we can afford it, we'll buy it and she can proceed with her novel idea of how the children can continue with their education," he added.
Briones earlier said that distance learning is a major component of learning delivery for the incoming school year. Distance learning means lessons will be delivered outside the traditional face-to-face setup.
The decision to open schools in the middle of the health crisis has been met with criticism.
Parents and students said the lockdown affected household finances. Many Filipinos don't even have access to a computer or the internet.
A teachers' group on June 3 also said that while a face-to-face setup for learning is out of the equation for now, delaying the opening of classes would give them more time to prepare for the distance learning approach.
The DepEd maintained the lack of access to technology should not be a problem as schools will be providing printed modules for students.
The DepEd said they will release a statement on the President's remarks soon. –

The Rosary kid

Bernie Lopez
(The article below is based on a true story as related by cancer-healer Sr. Raquel Reodica, RVM wherein a child teacher her mother to pray the Rosary).

Susan is a five-year-old kid. Her mother prays the rosary every evening in front of the home altar. Susan does not pray the rosary with her. She just sits behind her silently. Her mother has advanced stage psoriasis on her scalp. The hair has fallen off, and it is full of pus. She cannot sleep due to extreme itchiness. This has made her very cranky.
MOTHER - How come you never pray the rosary with me?
SUSAN - Of course, I pray the rosary silently behind you.
MOTHER - So let me give you a rosary.
SUSAN - I don’t need one, mommy. This is my rosary. (She puts up her two hands.)
MOTHER - Oh, ten Hail Mary’s, right? That’s nice.
SUSAN - Nope. No Hail Marys.
MOTHER - So, how do you pray then?
SUSAN - (Clasping her hands in prayer.) I just talk to Jesus and Mama Mary. They always listen to me. Let me pray now. (She closes her eyes.) Jesus, through Your Mommy, please take care of my mommy, Jessica, Gloria, and me. Keep us safe, happy, and together. (She opens her eyes.) That’s it. It takes me 30 seconds. (She offers her open hands to her mother.) Kiss my hands. They are full of prayers.
They go to the dining table for dinner.
MOTHER - Jessica, please give me a glass of cold water.
Jessica, the first maid, appears with a glass of water.
MOTHER – What is this? (Screaming.) I told you time and again, when you wash my glass, wipe it dry so there are no spots. Look, look, I can’t drink this? You imbecile. Get out of here. Gloria, give me a glass of water.
Gloria, the second maid, appears with a glass of water. The mother throws the glass against the wall.
MOTHER – Same thing, Gloria. When will you ever learn?
The two maids retreat to the kitchen, sobbing, as the mother trembles with anger, screaming.
SUSAN – (Undaunted by her anger) Mommy, can you mix good and evil?
MOTHER – (Forgetting her anger for a moment.) Of course not. They are opposed to each other, enemies forever.
SUSAN - So, how come you pray the rosary, then scream at the maids?The mother is silent. She is jolted. After a full minute of reflection, she embraces Susan. In tears, she goes to the two maids, and embraces them. All are now sobbing, except Susan, watching with a smile.
MOTHER – (To Jessica and Gloria) Here, take these two rosaries. I bought them in Rome. They are expensive. I will stick to this little local wooden rosary.
SUSAN - Mommy, will your prayers be heard more if your rosary is expensive?
MOTHER - No, darling, It does not matter. That’s why I keep the cheaper rosary.
From then on, after her mother prays the rosary, she and Susan go to the kitchen to Jessica and Gloria, and with clasped hands, and closed eyes and ‘pray the rosary’ together again for 30 seconds.
SUSAN leads the prayers, “Jesus, through Your Mother Mary, please take care of my mommy, Jessica, Gloria, and me. Keep us safe, happy, and together.”
She offers her open hands. The mother, Jessica and Gloria kisses them. Then, they embrace each other.
SUSAN – Mommy, I notice your scalp is getting better. No more itch?
MOTHER – Yes, I am surprised myself.
SUSAN – I’m not surprised, mommy. My teacher says ‘forgiveness heals’. I think, when you embraced Jessica and Gloria, your scalp started to heal.
MOTHER – Yes, I believe so, darling.
SUSAN – You better believe it. Mama Mary asked Jesus to heal you because you forgave.
MOTHER – Yes, darling, forgiveness not only heals, it gives inner peace.
SUSAN – And the one who hates is the unfortunate one. Hatred will destroy him.
MOTHER – Yes, darling.
After a month, the scalp of Susan’s mother was completely dry and hair started growing. She slept well and never became cranky again. It was a great feat of the rosary kid to bring inner peace to their tiny simple home.

New Baguio Covid-19 cases /Church services open with rules

Aileen P. Refuerzo

BAGUIO CITY -- The city government will boost its triage and testing schemes as new Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases emerged last week.
Mayor Benjamin Magalong said circumstances on the two new cases – the returning Baguio worker and the incarcerated resident – underscored the need to tighten the x-ray requirement in the city’s central triage and the necessity to expand random testing.
The returning worker was found positive of the virus after her x-ray result showed suspicious pneumonia necessitating a mandatory reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test which turned out positive.  As a result of the triage findings, the said patient was immediately isolated preventing disease transmission at once.
Because of this, the mayor said chest x-rays will now become a requirement not only for returning workers but also for all come backing residents as a precaution against the disease.
“We will now require x-rays among all our RBRs to ensure that no one with potential infection gets through the triage.  We will deploy x-ray machines that will be good for a 24-hour operation for a minimal fee of P180 for the cost of the film,” the mayor said.
“I hope people would understand that this is the way to go if we want to safeguard our city because we really do not know how many of our RBRs and workers are potentially infected,” he added.
He said triage records on construction workers alone showed that out of the 1,048 workers who came up from May 7-27, 11.9 percent were found to have pneumonia, tuberculosis and heart problems, all of which are comorbidities of COVID-19
Apart from the RBRs and workers, the city also contends with returning Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) now totaling 900.  The mayor said they are expecting around 9,000 in the coming days and the number is protracted to reach 20,000 in the coming weeks.  
The mayor said the case of the patient who was found positive while in jail highlighted the fact the prevalence of the infection remains unknown.
The patient who was committed to city jail only last May 28 was among those included in the random RT-PCR tests conducted at the facility.
He said the situation will remain unknown until such time that an extensive RT-PCR testing is done.
At present, the city is only able to conduct 10 percent random sampling for RT-PCR tests among the at risk population due to limited supply of kits.
“So it is only until we have an adequate supply of test kits and able to do extensive testing can we determine our actual situation thus we have to be always on our toes and remain vigilant.  We also have to be strict with our borders and we cannot simply ease up on all the sectors and let them all go out simply because we still do not know,” the mayor said.
He said there are around 17,000 RT-PCR test kits available at the Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center and efforts are exerted to acquire more.
The city government and the religious sector on June 3 agreed to reopen church services during the Modified General Community Quarantine period subject to guidelines compliant with the health and safety standards on Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) prevention and control.
In a consultation meeting attended by leaders of the religious organizations, Mayor Magalong acknowledged that church services are essential activities that should be allowed under the MGCQ.
As agreed, churches and groups will have to submit their guidelines to mayor and ocular inspection of their churches, mosques or prayer halls will be conducted.
Services will only commence after the approval of the guidelines and issuance of certificates of compliance by the city government.
Some of the rules discussed during the consultation meeting were:
*Limiting attendees to 10 percent of the capacity of the church, mosque or prayer hall. Senior Citizens and those younger than 20 will be allowed to join Sunday services but Sunday school for children will not be allowed still;
*Strict observance of all health protocols i.e. one meter-radius physical distancing, use of masks and availability of alcohol;  
*List of attendees with details must be made available for contact tracing; and 
*Time of Sunday services shall only be from 6:00 AM to 2:00 pm.
During the consultation, church leaders led by Baguio Apostolic Vicar Rev. Victor Bendico of the Catholic Church and Rev. Pastor Robbie Cases of the Protestant churches and Rev. Pastor Voltaire Acosta who heads the Presidential Commission on Religious Affairs committed to comply with all the precautionary measures as they do not want to complicate the COVID-10 problem and jeopardize the programs of the city government.
Pastor Casas acknowledged the need to limit attendees as although they could ensure safety protocols inside churches, they could not do so anymore outside of it considering that churchgoers would have to take public transport. – With reports from Leimara Phitaka

Reinventing law enforcement

March L. Fianza

It is unparalleled. Less than two weeks ago, the world witnessed the killing of African-American George Floyd, Jr.; a truck driver and a night club bouncer, by police officer Derek Chauvin that sparked hundreds of street protests across the USA and countries outside. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the protests began in Minneapolis on May 26, 2020, the day after the killing and continued to spread to over 750 cities and towns in all 50 states as well as in 64 other countries.
 Amid the pandemic, street demonstrators sought justice for Floyd and other unjustified killings of black Americans, and shouted out statements against police brutality. The street rallies led to calls for police reform, and legislation as the answer to inequalities and partiality in the enforcement of laws.
In the Philippines, we witnessed the unfair treatment applied to alleged violators of protocols laid out to fight the spread of the corona virus. Irregularities were reported in the early stages of the lockdown, one of which was the celebration of the birthday of Metro Manila PNP chief Debold Sinas where policemen without facemasks were captured on video eating and drinking without the required social distancing measure, as if there was no pandemic.
Recently, San Juan Mayor Francis Zamora, along with his police escorts, violated health and safety protocols of Baguio and Benguet residents by disregarding the regulatory mechanism of quarantine check and triage examination at the Naguillan facility. He placed the blame on his cop escorts who he claimed ignored Baguio’s border control as they headed for the Baguio Country Club on a six-vehicle convoy.
Zamora apologized for the incident, claiming that he was asleep when they passed through the Kennon checkpoint. Upon arrival at the BCC, they were requested to present the required medical clearances, but they had nothing to show so they were asked to undergo a triage examination. Since they were already at the BCC, and to avoid unnecessary movement and possible transmission of the virus, a medical team from the City Health Service Office was sent to examine Zamora and company. 
Baguio Mayor Benjie Magalong said, Zamora and his escorts committed a serious breach of standing quarantine protocols, although DILG Sec. Eduardo Año downplayed the incident, citing that disregarding the Kennon checkpoint was merely a “miscommunication and arrogance” on the part of the PNP escorts who were later relieved by MM PNP chief Sinas.
Although Zamora apologized for his violation which he claimed as “unintentional”, I do not buy his lame excuse that he was asleep when they passed the Kennon checkpoint. What could have actually transpired in preparation for the trip was that Zamora’s police chief and escorts could have been asked to coordinate with Baguio’s PNP chief knowing very well that there are requirements to follow when traveling from one region to another. This, they did not do, believing that they can just talk it out with their kabaro at the checkpoint. Bahala na, kausapin na lang. By the way, it’s been said that it is impossible to wake up a person who is awake. Mahirap gisingin ang gising.
In January of 2018, President Duterte raised the salaries of cops hoping to make policemen “more professional” amid allegations of abuses. He said, the increased take-home pay of cops recognizes the importance of their role and discourages them from becoming rogues and law violators.
Days after the increase, then PNP chief and now Senator Ronald dela Rosa admitted that some police officers had demanded money from suspected narco-traffickers in exchange for the removal of their names from the drug watch list. The President admitted that abuses are rampant among cops and that he would only protect them if the crime they are charged with is in line with their duty.
In all of the true stories above, the main actors were cops. That also proves that in all of the 750 cities and towns in 50 states in the USA and 64 countries around the world, policemen were involved in brutal enforcement of laws. Police violated human rights (or civil rights) by applying undue force in the arrest of civilians.
To address the problem, families of victims and their sympathizers proposed to reduce deaths in custody of police enforcers and reform policing by reinventing law enforcement. These include the wearing of body cameras by the arresting officers, amending policies on the use of force, demilitarizing the police, and even suing the police.
However, on the use of body cameras, there were reports that even though video footages exposed police brutality, most of it was filmed by citizens, not the police. Also, the video footages on body cameras were more likely to be used by prosecutors against civilians in criminal courts, than as a means of proving police brutality.
Demilitarizing the police was proposed because the public complained of being somewhat “terrorized” when seeing policemen in tiger suits with long firearms who look more like soldiers in battle gear, than neighborhood cops trying to keep the community safe. In the fight against COVID-19 here, a netizen posted on Facebook that policemen at checkpoints need not wear battle gear uniforms because the enemy is the coronavirus, not the people.
One controversial proposal was to “defund” the police and reallocate the funds to housing and education, health and environment which were seen as better deterrents to crime. Certain LGUs believe that poverty and homelessness are factors that contribute to crime that the police are sometimes asked to handle but are unprepared to do so.
Relative to the anti-Terrorism bill by Senators Ping Lacson and Tito Sotto, while the proponents claim that the law has so many safety nets to protect the public, what is actually fearsome is that it may be purposefully used by law enforcers such as the police and the army to silence perceived enemies of the state by disregarding the procedures in its implementation. Again, its enforcement greatly depend on the main actors which are the law enforcers.
My attention regarding the distribution of SAP in Sadanga was called last week by an anonymous reader. The correction forwarded was that all those qualified beneficiaries received their subsidies, including the complainants who were called to the municipal hall who were legible heads of families.
I stand corrected. What I wish to point out is that in all government dole-outs all over the world, we cannot avoid doubts and suspicions of irregularities, whether intentional or unintentional. Happy 122nd Independence Day to all! 

Aileen P. Refuerzo
New Baguio Covid-19 cases /
Church services open with rules  
BAGUIO CITY -- The city government will boost its triage and testing schemes as new Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases emerged last week.
Mayor Benjamin Magalong said circumstances on the two new cases – the returning Baguio worker and the incarcerated resident – underscored the need to tighten the x-ray requirement in the city’s central triage and the necessity to expand random testing.
The returning worker was found positive of the virus after her x-ray result showed suspicious pneumonia necessitating a mandatory reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test which turned out positive.  As a result of the triage findings, the said patient was immediately isolated preventing disease transmission at once.
Because of this, the mayor said chest x-rays will now become a requirement not only for returning workers but also for all come backing residents as a precaution against the disease.
“We will now require x-rays among all our RBRs to ensure that no one with potential infection gets through the triage.  We will deploy x-ray machines that will be good for a 24-hour operation for a minimal fee of P180 for the cost of the film,” the mayor said.
“I hope people would understand that this is the way to go if we want to safeguard our city because we really do not know how many of our RBRs and workers are potentially infected,” he added.
He said triage records on construction workers alone showed that out of the 1,048 workers who came up from May 7-27, 11.9 percent were found to have pneumonia, tuberculosis and heart problems, all of which are comorbidities of COVID-19
Apart from the RBRs and workers, the city also contends with returning Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) now totaling 900.  The mayor said they are expecting around 9,000 in the coming days and the number is protracted to reach 20,000 in the coming weeks.  
The mayor said the case of the patient who was found positive while in jail highlighted the fact the prevalence of the infection remains unknown.
The patient who was committed to city jail only last May 28 was among those included in the random RT-PCR tests conducted at the facility.
He said the situation will remain unknown until such time that an extensive RT-PCR testing is done.
At present, the city is only able to conduct 10 percent random sampling for RT-PCR tests among the at risk population due to limited supply of kits.
“So it is only until we have an adequate supply of test kits and able to do extensive testing can we determine our actual situation thus we have to be always on our toes and remain vigilant.  We also have to be strict with our borders and we cannot simply ease up on all the sectors and let them all go out simply because we still do not know,” the mayor said.
He said there are around 17,000 RT-PCR test kits available at the Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center and efforts are exerted to acquire more.
The city government and the religious sector on June 3 agreed to reopen church services during the Modified General Community Quarantine period subject to guidelines compliant with the health and safety standards on Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) prevention and control.
In a consultation meeting attended by leaders of the religious organizations, Mayor Magalong acknowledged that church services are essential activities that should be allowed under the MGCQ.
As agreed, churches and groups will have to submit their guidelines to mayor and ocular inspection of their churches, mosques or prayer halls will be conducted.
Services will only commence after the approval of the guidelines and issuance of certificates of compliance by the city government.
Some of the rules discussed during the consultation meeting were:
*Limiting attendees to 10 percent of the capacity of the church, mosque or prayer hall. Senior Citizens and those younger than 20 will be allowed to join Sunday services but Sunday school for children will not be allowed still;
*Strict observance of all health protocols i.e. one meter-radius physical distancing, use of masks and availability of alcohol;  
*List of attendees with details must be made available for contact tracing; and 
*Time of Sunday services shall only be from 6:00 AM to 2:00 pm.
During the consultation, church leaders led by Baguio Apostolic Vicar Rev. Victor Bendico of the Catholic Church and Rev. Pastor Robbie Cases of the Protestant churches and Rev. Pastor Voltaire Acosta who heads the Presidential Commission on Religious Affairs committed to comply with all the precautionary measures as they do not want to complicate the COVID-10 problem and jeopardize the programs of the city government.
Pastor Casas acknowledged the need to limit attendees as although they could ensure safety protocols inside churches, they could not do so anymore outside of it considering that churchgoers would have to take public transport. – With reports from Leimara Phitaka

Bernie Lopez
The Rosary kid
(The article below is based on a true story as related by cancer-healer Sr. Raquel Reodica, RVM wherein a child teacher her mother to pray the Rosary).
Susan is a five-year-old kid. Her mother prays the rosary every evening in front of the home altar. Susan does not pray the rosary with her. She just sits behind her silently. Her mother has advanced stage psoriasis on her scalp. The hair has fallen off, and it is full of pus. She cannot sleep due to extreme itchiness. This has made her very cranky.
MOTHER - How come you never pray the rosary with me?
SUSAN - Of course, I pray the rosary silently behind you.
MOTHER - So let me give you a rosary.
SUSAN - I don’t need one, mommy. This is my rosary. (She puts up her two hands.)
MOTHER - Oh, ten Hail Mary’s, right? That’s nice.
SUSAN - Nope. No Hail Marys.
MOTHER - So, how do you pray then?
SUSAN - (Clasping her hands in prayer.) I just talk to Jesus and Mama Mary. They always listen to me. Let me pray now. (She closes her eyes.) Jesus, through Your Mommy, please take care of my mommy, Jessica, Gloria, and me. Keep us safe, happy, and together. (She opens her eyes.) That’s it. It takes me 30 seconds. (She offers her open hands to her mother.) Kiss my hands. They are full of prayers.
They go to the dining table for dinner.
MOTHER - Jessica, please give me a glass of cold water.
Jessica, the first maid, appears with a glass of water.
MOTHER – What is this? (Screaming.) I told you time and again, when you wash my glass, wipe it dry so there are no spots. Look, look, I can’t drink this? You imbecile. Get out of here. Gloria, give me a glass of water.
Gloria, the second maid, appears with a glass of water. The mother throws the glass against the wall.
MOTHER – Same thing, Gloria. When will you ever learn?
The two maids retreat to the kitchen, sobbing, as the mother trembles with anger, screaming.
SUSAN – (Undaunted by her anger) Mommy, can you mix good and evil?
MOTHER – (Forgetting her anger for a moment.) Of course not. They are opposed to each other, enemies forever.
SUSAN - So, how come you pray the rosary, then scream at the maids?The mother is silent. She is jolted. After a full minute of reflection, she embraces Susan. In tears, she goes to the two maids, and embraces them. All are now sobbing, except Susan, watching with a smile.
MOTHER – (To Jessica and Gloria) Here, take these two rosaries. I bought them in Rome. They are expensive. I will stick to this little local wooden rosary.
SUSAN - Mommy, will your prayers be heard more if your rosary is expensive?
MOTHER - No, darling, It does not matter. That’s why I keep the cheaper rosary.
From then on, after her mother prays the rosary, she and Susan go to the kitchen to Jessica and Gloria, and with clasped hands, and closed eyes and ‘pray the rosary’ together again for 30 seconds.
SUSAN leads the prayers, “Jesus, through Your Mother Mary, please take care of my mommy, Jessica, Gloria, and me. Keep us safe, happy, and together.”
She offers her open hands. The mother, Jessica and Gloria kisses them. Then, they embrace each other.
SUSAN – Mommy, I notice your scalp is getting better. No more itch?
MOTHER – Yes, I am surprised myself.
SUSAN – I’m not surprised, mommy. My teacher says ‘forgiveness heals’. I think, when you embraced Jessica and Gloria, your scalp started to heal.
MOTHER – Yes, I believe so, darling.
SUSAN – You better believe it. Mama Mary asked Jesus to heal you because you forgave.
MOTHER – Yes, darling, forgiveness not only heals, it gives inner peace.
SUSAN – And the one who hates is the unfortunate one. Hatred will destroy him.
MOTHER – Yes, darling.
After a month, the scalp of Susan’s mother was completely dry and hair started growing. She slept well and never became cranky again. It was a great feat of the rosary kid to bring inner peace to their tiny simple home.

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