Wanted men arrested In Ifugao and Benguet

>> Monday, November 19, 2012

CAMP DANGWA, La Trinidad, Benguet – Police recently arrested the two “top most wanted” persons in Ifugao and Benguet recently, regional police director Chief Supt. Benjamin B. Magalong bared.
He said John Ray Belingon Bumanghat, 24, of Hungduan, Ifugao and electrician of Oceana Gold Project, Inc. was arrested for rape Nov. 12 at Didipio, Kasibu, NuevaVizcaya. Magalong said Belingon had a P90,000 bounty.
Judge Joseph Baguilat, presiding judge of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 14 of Lagawe, Ifugao earlier issued a warrant for his arrest.

Arresting officers included elements of Ifugao Provincial Public Safety Company headed by Chief Insp.Allan B. Guyguyon, Ifugao provincial police intelligence branch headed by Senior Insp. Angelito Pallaya and Hungduan town police led by Senior Insp. Donato B. Tagubasi,  in coordination with Kasibu police.

In a separate operation in Benguet, Buguias town police under Chief Insp. Damina D. Olsim arrested Alfredo HabawilMoling, 24, of Cayabas, Baculongan Sur in the town.

Moling was nabbed Nov. 12 in Barangay Bad-ayan in the town.

Judge Agapito K. Laoagan Jr. presiding judge of  Regional Trial Court Branch 64, Buguias issued an arrest warrant against him for frustrated homicide  and  recommended bail bond of P200, 000.

The accused was turned over to the issuing court. However he was subsequently released upon issuance of order of dismissal of the case.


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