Riding-in- tandem banned in Bangued to lessen killings

>> Tuesday, June 9, 2015

By Maria Teresa B. Benas

BANGUED, Abra – Assassinations carried out by deadly motorcycle riding-in-tandem gunmen in this capital town is set to be lessened.  

The “motorcycle riding-in-tandem ordinance is now in effect here since May 19.

The local government passed Municipal Ordinance No. 48 Series of 2015 prohibiting two males riding-in-tandem in motorcycles here.

Themed “Peace and order is everybody’s responsibility,” said  ordinance authored by Sangguniang Bayan Joel B. Bolante aims to address crime especially the killings perpetuated by guns-for-hire riding-in-tandem.

The ordinance underwent a series of public hearings until the first quarter of this year.

Penalties for violation of the ordinance:  First violation – P1,000;  second – P2,000 and third- P2,500.00 or three months imprisonment.

The implementation of said ordinance,  which still needs  extensive dissemination, was made  earlier because of the shooting incident   near the Bangued Central Market afternoon of May 18  injuring  two victims  including a lady clerk at the Abra Provincial Hospital who was hit by stray bullet. 


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