Ifugao employers warned: Give 13th month pay report

>> Tuesday, February 5, 2019

By Daniel B. Codamon

LAGAWE, Ifugao -- Private employers in the province were warned to submit to the Dept. of Labor and Employment their compliance report on the payment of 13th month pay of their employers.
DOLE-Ifugao head Samuel Lasdacan earlier sent letters  to private employers of Ifugao to give the 13th month benefits of their rank and file employees not later than Dec. 24, 2018 as required by law regardless of the nature of their employment and irrespective of the method by which their wages are paid.
As provided by Presidential Decree 851, the 13th month pay is granted provided the employee worked for at least one month during the calendar in which the 13th month pay shall not be less than 1/12 of the total basic salary earned by an employee in a calendar year.
If the employee worked for the whole 12 months of the calendar year, then he is entitled to a one month or 13th month salary bonus which is 1/12 of the number of months he worked for his employer.
Failure to submit the compliance report will be penalized.
There are more than 50 private employers in Ifugao listed by the DOLE consisting mostly of construction firms, cooperatives and business establishments. --  PIA Ifugao


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