>> Saturday, April 21, 2007

Sin City
by Benito ‘Jong’ Molintas

LAS VEGAS, US - “Sin City”, “City of Sodom and Gomora”, “Bad influence city”, and other negative trademarks describe Las Vegas, Nevada. But, some say it is a “City of life and openness.”

An account of the city’s history flashed in the television of Stratosphere Hotel where we stayed for a couple of nights insinuated why some call it Sin City. Originally, the big business establishments in the city were monopolized by the paparazzi.

In order to gain more money to develop their buildings and businesses, they needed to cheat people by controlling the slot machines. They programmed the money to be lost and the money to be gained. I don’t actually know how they did it though.

Nowadays in Las Vegas, you can also see scattered nude photos and contact numbers of ladies exposing their bodies for costumers. People may call it Sin City because they see so much sex around. For conservatives, it is not a conducive place for “growing people” due to pornography, drinking and other vices.

There have been real life stories about parents sending their children to school in the city only to find out later their progenies are doing their best hanging out in gambling areas.

This had forced parents to take their children back to better cities conducive for learning. Officials have admitted that the “open ways” of the city have led the young to try what adults do which led to early marriages or other ways that diverted their normal routines and activities at home and to their studies.

I prefer to call Las Vegas an “open city” or “city of life” without the derogatory connotations. As one enters the city, one is struck by its “life.” There are a lot of musicians, architects, photographers and others in different fields who are showcasing their work.

The architectural designs impressed me most. There is a feeling of excitement in the air. When you are there, control your urge to drop coins in slot machines or buying chips to play baccarat.
In my case, I used my time with my cousins Philip and Edwin Tumaliuan to tour the city. Miniatures of Venice, Ceasar’s Palace, Sphynx, Egyptian Pyramids and many more were just a few works or art seen in this place.

I call it also an open city because gays and lesbians are not a taboo in society. Instead they are seen as assets, but if it is an irony, nobody cares about it. The gays are so much accepted.
You can’t see folks making faces at them or hear insulting or degrading words against them unlike in our place in the Philippines where their partners are ashamed of having a relationship with them.

Some hit gays in our place in the Cordillera because they hate to see their likes. Anyway, it may not be a big deal, but gays are just seen in our place as persons to be laughed at – like those who stay in beauty parlors.

Gays are also being discriminated against because they are taking the roles of women who are generally known to be physically weak. But, this is a challenge to the male species -- women and gays are strong. They are the ones looking for food to feed their children and doing something for the betterment of their families and society.

Let us be open, like these people living here. Gays are normal people like women who can do what men can do. Let us open our horizons to accept the reality that gays are doing something in the development of communities.


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