>> Monday, November 17, 2008

Stopping corruption

Stopping corruption and red tape in government is a tall order. But a step in the right direction was made by the Civil Service Commission when it issued last week a directive to concerned agencies to strengthen implementation of Anti-Red Tape Law (Republic Act 9485).

This maybe worth watching as the directive ordered the agencies to institute measures to crack down on fixers in government offices and report these to CSC regional offices.

The CSC issued memorandum circular 14, s. 2008 on Nov. 13 to add teeth to RA 9485 which aims to “improve efficiency in the delivery of government service to the public by reducing bureaucratic red tape, preventing graft and corruption, and providing penalties to improve delivery of public service.”

To ensure effective implementation of the directives, the CSC instructed all concerned agencies to draw up their respective list of 20 services with heavy client traffic or those which are availed of by clients. The list should be finalized by Nov. 15.

Within a month period, from Nov. 16 to Dec. 15, such agencies should come up with Citizen’s Charters guided by the provisions of RA 9485. By Dec. 31, the agencies should post in easily readable format and in conspicuous areas their list of services and Citizen’s Charters.

Complaints desks should be set up n accessible areas of the offices also by Dec 31. Agencies were also required to submit initial report on compliance with previous Anti-Red Tape issuances, namely: Republic Act No. 6713, OP memorandum circular 35 dated March 17, 2003 and administrative order 161, s. 2006 to the Commission by Nov. 30. Another report in compliance with AO 241 must also be submitted to the Commission on Jan, 15, 2009.

The ten priority agencies identified in AO 241 were the bureaus of Customs, Fire Protection, Foods and Drugs, Immigration and Internal Revenue. Others were the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Laguna Lake Development Authority, PhilHealth, Social Security System, and Government Service Insurance System which were directed to coordinate closely with the CSC and the Development Academy of the Philippines for streamlining procedures.


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